[Scummvm-devel] File handling revamp

Max Horn max at quendi.de
Tue Jul 29 20:41:27 CEST 2008

Am Di, 29.07.2008, 18:17, schrieb Johannes Schickel:
>> > (Known since ages too).
>> Never saw a report about that.... But that belongs on the
>> "communication"
>> thread ;)
> Quoted from "Re: [Scummvm-devel] RANT" Date: 2006-07-24 08:03:
>> // file in path
>> FilesystemNode("dead.vrm") creates an invalid node
>> FilesystemNode("DEAD.VRM") creates an invalid node
>> FilesystemNode(ConfMan.get("path") + "dead.vrm") creates a valid node
>> FilesystemNode(ConfMan.get("path") + "DEAD.VRM") creates an invalid node
>> Common::File::exists("dead.vrm"): true
>> Common::File::exists("DEAD.VRM"): true
> The discussion back when was about FSNode too. So it *is* kown and *is* in
> our -devel mailing archives. Of course that's 2 years old now, but still
> nothing has changed.

Ahh, come on. OK, so there was a report on such an issue, I was wrong.
However, it was indeed *two* years ago; in an email that received no
replies, and apparently was lost in the shuffle, so I don't really *feel*
wrong, to my memory it still does not exist (though I dug it out of the
online archives, you are of course right).
Besides, since then we rewrote the FSNode code to a large degree as part
of GSoC 2007, at which time we explicitly asked for input again and got

So, no, I wouldn't call that a "known" issue :-).


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