[Scummvm-devel] GSoC gui tools

Joost Peters joostp at 7fc1.org
Mon Dec 14 15:40:57 CET 2009

Hi all,

A quick update.

A few people have offered help / started helping out, many thanks for that!
Also Remere, the student who worked on this GSoC task, got in touch last 
week and said that he'd be able to help, though I've not been able to 
get in contact with him since.   Remere? :)

I've personally not had a lot of time to spend on this last week, but 
should be able to continue this week.  The first thing I'll look at is 
fixing the compress_sword1/2 tools, which both appear broken.

Below is an overview of the tools and their status:

compress_scumm_sou: OK  (tested Indy 4, DOTT, various demos)
compress_agos: OK (tested Simon 2 only)
compress_queen: OK
compress_tinsel: OK (tested DW1 only)
compress_touche: OK
compress_tucker: OK
compress_gob: OK(??)  (Strangerke?)
compress_kyra: ???  (Johannes offered to test, Johannes?)
compress_saga: ???  (Eugene offerered to test, Eugene?)
compress_scumm_bun: ???  (Needs re-testing)
compress_scumm_san: ???  (Needs re-testing)
compress_sword1: Broken  (Joost to fix)
compress_sword2: Broken  (Joost to fix)
encode_dxa:  ???  (Not converted to new scheme yet?  Remere?)

extract_agos: ???
extract_cine: ???
extract_gob_stk: OK(??)  (Strangerke?)
extract_kyra: ???
extract_loom_tg16: ???  (There have been some changes to this tool in 
the old tools trunk that need porting to the branch)
extract_mm_[apple|c64|nes]: ???
extract_parallaction: OK(??)  (peres?)
extract_scumm_mac: OK(??)  (Needs re-testing)
extract_zak_c64: ???

Separate tools:

descumm: ???
decine: ???
dekyra: ???
desword2: ???

Hmm, maybe we should move the above into a Wiki page?

Also, Strangerke was having some issues with building the GUI tools with 
MSVC9, has anyone had any luck doing this?  If so, perhaps (s)he could 
shed some light on this?


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