[Scummvm-devel] Android port

Max Horn max at quendi.de
Tue Oct 26 11:11:50 CEST 2010

Hi Gus!

Am 26.10.2010 um 03:31 schrieb Angus Lees:


> Ok, fixes submitted to both trunk and 1.2 branch.  A build from
> branch-1-2-0 is here:
> https://sites.google.com/site/scummvmandroid/dev/scummvm-1.2.0-monolithic.apk?attredirects=0&d=1


> I see from reviewing the diffs that I do need to build against the
> release tag with patches and not just the branch to avoid "1.2.0pre".
> So I need to do slightly more svn juggling before it can be published
> properly ... almost there.

If we are talking about a 1.2.0 release, then yeah, that's what you have to do. There is a slight issue with regards to the GPL, though: If your binary requires extra patches atop the 1.2.0 release branch, then strictly speaking we'd have to provide those to users... Not that would mind too much...

> I haven't been part of a ScummVM release before - once I build the
> right package, do I just give the package file to someone or do I
> upload/edit the wiki myself?

You should upload it via SSH to the SF.net file release system (FRS), and then notify us about the upload, including the name & size & MD5 of your uploaded file(s). Please make sure to read <http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/HOWTO-Release#Binaries> for notes on what the binary/package should contain.

To upload, do this (sftp also works):

  scp FILENAME SFNET_USERNAME,scummvm at frs.sourceforge.net:/home/pfs/project/s/sc/scummvm/scummvm/1.2.0/

Details on the FRS process can be found on

Actually, I thought that Wiki page I referenced also explained how porters can upload their binaries; but that didn't seem to be the case. Do we have this documented somewhere else? I just added a few words on the subject, but the whole HOWTO-Release could benefit from some lovin'. 


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