[Scummvm-devel] Bugtracker: standardization of group names

Matthew Hoops clone2727 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 14:06:59 CEST 2011

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 6:58 AM, A. Milburn
<fuzzie at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> * It will mean that people working on only a subset of the larger engines
>  can't filter on only the games they're working on. On the other hand
>  SF's tracker doesn't really handle groups very nicely anyway, so we end
>  up adding the 'ITE Floppy' type prefixes to the bug summaries..
I don't really think that's a problem except in the case of Mohawk and SCUMM ;)

> * I think the requirement for a user to look up the engine will add confusion,
>  especially with engine names like 'tinsel', 'cge', 'tsage'. I seem to
>  remember a recent argument where the general opinion was that we should
>  stick to original names because we only use them internally. :)
>  We do have the text displayed above the 'add new' page, though, where we
>  could give a list or a link to the compatibility page.
We're going to end up doing that no matter what we name the engines
(provided we name our bugs prefixed with the engines or categorized by
them or whatever). It's all arbitrary anyway. In fact, I don't think
we should expect the user to properly fill in the top fields either as
we're very likely to re-do it ourselves.

Here are some arbitrary single-game engine names that users are less
likely to get the name of (for a couple reasons, mostly because
they're an arbitrarily chosen word from the game name):

And probably the hardest one for anyone to guess: toon -- it's a
truncation of the actual game name, meaning that no "regular" user
could possibly figure that one out. Now that's in addition to the
actual-engine-named engines.

I think we should just have the users name the bug whatever they want
and we'll rename it to what we want because that's what is likely to
happen anyway IMO. I wouldn't trust the user to properly match our
formatting we ask for.


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