[Scummvm-cvs-logs] SF.net SVN: scummvm:[54425] scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project

littleboy at users.sourceforge.net littleboy at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Nov 23 12:47:53 CET 2010

Revision: 54425
Author:   littleboy
Date:     2010-11-23 11:47:52 +0000 (Tue, 23 Nov 2010)

Log Message:
TOOLS: Add missing files for create_project

Added Paths:

Added: scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/msbuild.cpp
--- scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/msbuild.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/msbuild.cpp	2010-11-23 11:47:52 UTC (rev 54425)
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include "msbuild.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace CreateProjectTool {
+// MSBuild Provider (Visual Studio 2010)
+MSBuildProvider::MSBuildProvider(StringList &global_warnings, std::map<std::string, StringList> &project_warnings, const int version)
+	: MSVCProvider(global_warnings, project_warnings, version) {
+const char *MSBuildProvider::getProjectExtension() {
+	return ".vcxproj";
+const char *MSBuildProvider::getPropertiesExtension() {
+	return ".props";
+int MSBuildProvider::getVisualStudioVersion() {
+	return 2010;
+#define OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION_MSBUILD(config, platform) \
+	(project << "\t\t<ProjectConfiguration Include=\"" << config << "|" << platform << "\">\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t<Configuration>" << config << "</Configuration>\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t<Platform>" << platform << "</Platform>\n" \
+	           "\t\t</ProjectConfiguration>\n")
+	(project << "\t<PropertyGroup Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" << config << "'\" Label=\"Configuration\">\n" \
+	           "\t\t<ConfigurationType>" << (name == "scummvm" ? "Application" : "StaticLibrary") << "</ConfigurationType>\n" \
+	           "\t</PropertyGroup>\n")
+#define OUTPUT_PROPERTIES_MSBUILD(config, properties) \
+	(project << "\t<ImportGroup Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" << config << "'\" Label=\"PropertySheets\">\n" \
+	           "\t\t<Import Project=\"$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props\" Condition=\"exists('$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')\" Label=\"LocalAppDataPlatform\" />\n" \
+	           "\t\t<Import Project=\"" << properties << "\" />\n" \
+	           "\t</ImportGroup>\n")
+void MSBuildProvider::createProjectFile(const std::string &name, const std::string &uuid, const BuildSetup &setup, const std::string &moduleDir,
+                                        const StringList &includeList, const StringList &excludeList) {
+	const std::string projectFile = setup.outputDir + '/' + name + getProjectExtension();
+	std::ofstream project(projectFile.c_str());
+	if (!project)
+		error("Could not open \"" + projectFile + "\" for writing");
+	project << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
+	           "<Project DefaultTargets=\"Build\" ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\">\n"
+	           "\t<ItemGroup Label=\"ProjectConfigurations\">\n";
+	project << "\t</ItemGroup>\n";
+	// Project name & Guid
+	project << "\t<PropertyGroup Label=\"Globals\">\n"
+	           "\t\t<ProjectGuid>{" << uuid << "}</ProjectGuid>\n"
+	           "\t\t<RootNamespace>" << name << "</RootNamespace>\n"
+	           "\t\t<Keyword>Win32Proj</Keyword>\n"
+	           "\t</PropertyGroup>\n";
+	// Shared configuration
+	project << "\t<Import Project=\"$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props\" />\n";
+	project << "\t<Import Project=\"$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.props\" />\n"
+	           "\t<ImportGroup Label=\"ExtensionSettings\">\n"
+	           "\t</ImportGroup>\n";
+	OUTPUT_PROPERTIES_MSBUILD("Release|Win32",  "ScummVM_Release.props");
+	OUTPUT_PROPERTIES_MSBUILD("Analysis|Win32", "ScummVM_Analysis.props");
+	OUTPUT_PROPERTIES_MSBUILD("Debug|Win32",    "ScummVM_Debug.props");
+	OUTPUT_PROPERTIES_MSBUILD("Release|x64",    "ScummVM_Release64.props");
+	OUTPUT_PROPERTIES_MSBUILD("Analysis|x64",   "ScummVM_Analysis64.props");
+	OUTPUT_PROPERTIES_MSBUILD("Debug|x64",      "ScummVM_Debug64.props");
+	project << "\t<PropertyGroup Label=\"UserMacros\" />\n";
+	// Project-specific settings (analysis uses debug properties)
+	outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, true, false);
+	outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, true, true);
+	outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, true, true, false);
+	outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, false, false);
+	outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, false, true);
+	outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, true, false, false);
+	// Files
+	std::string modulePath;
+	if (!moduleDir.compare(0, setup.srcDir.size(), setup.srcDir)) {
+		modulePath = moduleDir.substr(setup.srcDir.size());
+		if (!modulePath.empty() && modulePath.at(0) == '/')
+			modulePath.erase(0, 1);
+	}
+	if (modulePath.size())
+		addFilesToProject(moduleDir, project, includeList, excludeList, setup.filePrefix + '/' + modulePath);
+	else
+		addFilesToProject(moduleDir, project, includeList, excludeList, setup.filePrefix);
+	// Output references for scummvm project
+	if (name == "scummvm")
+		writeReferences(project);
+	project << "\t<Import Project=\"$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.targets\" />\n"
+	           "\t<ImportGroup Label=\"ExtensionTargets\">\n"
+	           "\t</ImportGroup>\n"
+	           "</Project>\n";
+	// Output filter file if necessary
+	createFiltersFile(setup, name);
+#define OUTPUT_FILTER_MSBUILD(files, action) \
+	if (!files.empty()) { \
+		filters << "\t<ItemGroup>\n"; \
+		for (std::list<FileEntry>::const_iterator entry = files.begin(); entry != files.end(); ++entry) { \
+			if ((*entry).filter != "") { \
+				filters << "\t\t<" action " Include=\"" << (*entry).path << "\">\n" \
+				           "\t\t\t<Filter>" << (*entry).filter << "</Filter>\n" \
+				           "\t\t</" action ">\n"; \
+			} else { \
+				filters << "\t\t<" action " Include=\"" << (*entry).path << "\" />\n"; \
+			} \
+		} \
+		filters << "\t</ItemGroup>\n"; \
+	}
+void MSBuildProvider::createFiltersFile(const BuildSetup &setup, const std::string &name) {
+	// No filters => no need to create a filter file
+	if (_filters.empty())
+		return;
+	// Sort all list alphabetically
+	_filters.sort();
+	_compileFiles.sort();
+	_includeFiles.sort();
+	_otherFiles.sort();
+	_resourceFiles.sort();
+	_asmFiles.sort();
+	const std::string filtersFile = setup.outputDir + '/' + name + getProjectExtension() + ".filters";
+	std::ofstream filters(filtersFile.c_str());
+	if (!filters)
+		error("Could not open \"" + filtersFile + "\" for writing");
+	filters << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
+	           "<Project ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\">\n";
+	// Output the list of filters
+	filters << "\t<ItemGroup>\n";
+	for (std::list<std::string>::iterator filter = _filters.begin(); filter != _filters.end(); ++filter) {
+		filters << "\t\t<Filter Include=\"" << *filter << "\">\n"
+		           "\t\t\t<UniqueIdentifier>" << createUUID() << "</UniqueIdentifier>\n"
+		           "\t\t</Filter>\n";
+	}
+	filters << "\t</ItemGroup>\n";
+	// Output files
+	OUTPUT_FILTER_MSBUILD(_compileFiles, "ClCompile")
+	OUTPUT_FILTER_MSBUILD(_includeFiles, "ClInclude")
+	OUTPUT_FILTER_MSBUILD(_otherFiles, "None")
+	OUTPUT_FILTER_MSBUILD(_resourceFiles, "ResourceCompile")
+	OUTPUT_FILTER_MSBUILD(_asmFiles, "CustomBuild")
+	filters << "</Project>";
+void MSBuildProvider::writeReferences(std::ofstream &output) {
+	output << "\t<ItemGroup>\n";
+	for (UUIDMap::const_iterator i = _uuidMap.begin(); i != _uuidMap.end(); ++i) {
+		if (i->first == "scummvm")
+			continue;
+		output << "\t<ProjectReference Include=\"" << i->first << ".vcxproj\">\n"
+		          "\t\t<Project>{" << i->second << "}</Project>\n"
+		          "\t</ProjectReference>\n";
+	}
+	output << "\t</ItemGroup>\n";
+void MSBuildProvider::outputProjectSettings(std::ofstream &project, const std::string &name, const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, bool enableAnalysis) {
+	const std::string configuration = (enableAnalysis ? "Analysis" : (isRelease ? "Release" : "Debug"));
+	// Check for project-specific warnings:
+	std::map<std::string, StringList>::iterator warningsIterator = _projectWarnings.find(name);
+	// Nothing to add here, move along!
+	if (name != "scummvm" && name != "sword25" && name != "tinsel" && warningsIterator == _projectWarnings.end())
+		return;
+	std::string warnings = "";
+	if (warningsIterator != _projectWarnings.end())
+		for (StringList::const_iterator i = warningsIterator->second.begin(); i != warningsIterator->second.end(); ++i)
+			warnings +=  *i + ';';
+	project << "\t<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" << configuration << "|" << (isWin32 ? "Win32" : "x64") << "'\">\n"
+	           "\t\t<ClCompile>\n";
+	// Compile configuration
+	if (name == "scummvm" || name == "sword25") {
+		project << "\t\t\t<DisableLanguageExtensions>false</DisableLanguageExtensions>\n";
+	} else {
+		if (name == "tinsel" && !isRelease)
+			project << "\t\t\t<DebugInformationFormat>ProgramDatabase</DebugInformationFormat>\n";
+		if (warningsIterator != _projectWarnings.end())
+			project << "\t\t\t<DisableSpecificWarnings>" << warnings << ";%(DisableSpecificWarnings)</DisableSpecificWarnings>\n";
+	}
+	project << "\t\t</ClCompile>\n";
+	// Link configuration for scummvm project
+	if (name == "scummvm") {
+		std::string libraries;
+		for (StringList::const_iterator i = setup.libraries.begin(); i != setup.libraries.end(); ++i)
+			libraries += *i + ".lib;";
+		project << "\t\t<Link>\n"
+		           "\t\t\t<OutputFile>$(OutDir)scummvm.exe</OutputFile>\n"
+		           "\t\t\t<AdditionalDependencies>" << libraries << "%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies>\n"
+		           "\t\t</Link>\n";
+		if (setup.runBuildEvents) {
+			// Only generate revision number in debug builds
+			if (!isRelease) {
+				project << "\t\t<PreBuildEvent>\n"
+						   "\t\t\t<Message>Generate internal_version.h</Message>\n"
+						   "\t\t\t<Command>" << getPreBuildEvent() << "</Command>\n"
+						   "\t\t</PreBuildEvent>\n";
+			}
+			// Copy data files to the build folder
+			project << "\t\t<PostBuildEvent>\n"
+					   "\t\t\t<Message>Copy data files to the build folder</Message>\n"
+					   "\t\t\t<Command>" << getPostBuildEvent(isWin32) << "</Command>\n"
+					   "\t\t</PostBuildEvent>\n";
+		}
+	}
+	project << "\t</ItemDefinitionGroup>\n";
+void MSBuildProvider::outputGlobalPropFile(std::ofstream &properties, int bits, const StringList &defines, const std::string &prefix) {
+	std::string warnings;
+	for (StringList::const_iterator i = _globalWarnings.begin(); i != _globalWarnings.end(); ++i)
+		warnings +=  *i + ';';
+	std::string definesList;
+	for (StringList::const_iterator i = defines.begin(); i != defines.end(); ++i)
+		definesList += *i + ';';
+	properties << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
+	              "<Project DefaultTargets=\"Build\" ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\">\n"
+	              "\t<PropertyGroup>\n"
+	              "\t\t<_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1</_ProjectFileVersion>\n"
+	              "\t\t<_PropertySheetDisplayName>ScummVM_Global</_PropertySheetDisplayName>\n"
+	              "\t\t<ExecutablePath>$(SCUMMVM_LIBS)\\bin;$(ExecutablePath)</ExecutablePath>\n"
+	              "\t\t<LibraryPath>$(SCUMMVM_LIBS)\\lib\\" << (bits == 32 ? "x86" : "x64") << ";$(LibraryPath)</LibraryPath>\n"
+	              "\t\t<IncludePath>$(SCUMMVM_LIBS)\\include;$(IncludePath)</IncludePath>\n"
+	              "\t\t<OutDir>$(Configuration)" << bits << "\\</OutDir>\n"
+	              "\t\t<IntDir>$(Configuration)" << bits << "/$(ProjectName)\\</IntDir>\n"
+	              "\t</PropertyGroup>\n"
+	              "\t<ItemDefinitionGroup>\n"
+	              "\t\t<ClCompile>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<DisableLanguageExtensions>true</DisableLanguageExtensions>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<DisableSpecificWarnings>" << warnings << ";%(DisableSpecificWarnings)</DisableSpecificWarnings>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<AdditionalIncludeDirectories>$(SCUMMVM_LIBS)\\include;" << prefix << ";" << prefix << "\\engines;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<PreprocessorDefinitions>" << definesList << "%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<ExceptionHandling></ExceptionHandling>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<RuntimeTypeInfo>false</RuntimeTypeInfo>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<WarningLevel>Level4</WarningLevel>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<TreatWarningAsError>false</TreatWarningAsError>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<CompileAs>Default</CompileAs>\n"
+	              "\t\t</ClCompile>\n"
+	              "\t\t<Link>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries>%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)</IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<SubSystem>Console</SubSystem>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<EntryPointSymbol>WinMainCRTStartup</EntryPointSymbol>\n"
+	              "\t\t</Link>\n"
+	              "\t\t<ResourceCompile>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<PreprocessorDefinitions>HAS_INCLUDE_SET;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n"
+	              "\t\t\t<AdditionalIncludeDirectories>" << prefix << ";%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>\n"
+	              "\t\t</ResourceCompile>\n"
+	              "\t</ItemDefinitionGroup>\n"
+	              "</Project>\n";
+	properties.flush();
+void MSBuildProvider::createBuildProp(const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, bool enableAnalysis) {
+	const std::string outputType = (enableAnalysis ? "Analysis" : (isRelease ? "Release" : "Debug"));
+	const std::string outputBitness = (isWin32 ? "32" : "64");
+	std::ofstream properties((setup.outputDir + '/' + "ScummVM_" + outputType + (isWin32 ? "" : "64") + getPropertiesExtension()).c_str());
+	if (!properties)
+		error("Could not open \"" + setup.outputDir + '/' + "ScummVM_" + outputType + (isWin32 ? "" : "64") + getPropertiesExtension() + "\" for writing");
+	properties << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
+	              "<Project DefaultTargets=\"Build\" ToolsVersion=\"4.0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\">\n"
+	              "\t<ImportGroup Label=\"PropertySheets\">\n"
+	              "\t\t<Import Project=\"ScummVM_Global" << (isWin32 ? "" : "64") << ".props\" />\n"
+	              "\t</ImportGroup>\n"
+	              "\t<PropertyGroup>\n"
+	              "\t\t<_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.30319.1</_ProjectFileVersion>\n"
+	              "\t\t<_PropertySheetDisplayName>ScummVM_" << outputType << outputBitness << "</_PropertySheetDisplayName>\n"
+	              "\t\t<LinkIncremental>" << (isRelease ? "false" : "true") << "</LinkIncremental>\n"
+	              "\t</PropertyGroup>\n"
+	              "\t<ItemDefinitionGroup>\n"
+	              "\t\t<ClCompile>\n";
+	if (isRelease) {
+		properties << "\t\t\t<IntrinsicFunctions>true</IntrinsicFunctions>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<WholeProgramOptimization>true</WholeProgramOptimization>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;RELEASE_BUILD;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<StringPooling>true</StringPooling>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<BufferSecurityCheck>false</BufferSecurityCheck>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<DebugInformationFormat></DebugInformationFormat>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<EnablePREfast>" << (enableAnalysis ? "true" : "false") << "</EnablePREfast>\n"
+		              "\t\t</ClCompile>\n"
+		              "\t\t<Link>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries>%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)</IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<SetChecksum>true</SetChecksum>\n";
+	} else {
+		properties << "\t\t\t<Optimization>Disabled</Optimization>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<MinimalRebuild>true</MinimalRebuild>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<BasicRuntimeChecks>EnableFastChecks</BasicRuntimeChecks>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDebug</RuntimeLibrary>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<FunctionLevelLinking>true</FunctionLevelLinking>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<TreatWarningAsError>false</TreatWarningAsError>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<DebugInformationFormat>" << (isWin32 ? "EditAndContinue" : "ProgramDatabase") << "</DebugInformationFormat>\n" // For x64 format Edit and continue is not supported, thus we default to Program Database
+		              "\t\t\t<EnablePREfast>" << (enableAnalysis ? "true" : "false") << "</EnablePREfast>\n"
+		              "\t\t</ClCompile>\n"
+		              "\t\t<Link>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation>\n"
+		              "\t\t\t<IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries>libcmt.lib;%(IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries)</IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries>\n";
+	}
+	properties << "\t\t</Link>\n"
+	              "\t</ItemDefinitionGroup>\n"
+	              "</Project>\n";
+	properties.flush();
+	properties.close();
+	projectFile << "\t\t\t<Command Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" << config << "|Win32'\">nasm.exe -f win32 -g -o \"$(IntDir)" << (isDuplicate ? (*entry).prefix : "") << "%(Filename).obj\" \"%(FullPath)\"</Command>\n" \
+	               "\t\t\t<Outputs Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" << config << "|Win32'\">$(IntDir)" << (isDuplicate ? (*entry).prefix : "") << "%(Filename).obj;%(Outputs)</Outputs>\n";
+#define OUPUT_FILES_MSBUILD(files, action) \
+	if (!files.empty()) { \
+		projectFile << "\t<ItemGroup>\n"; \
+		for (std::list<FileEntry>::const_iterator entry = files.begin(); entry != files.end(); ++entry) { \
+			projectFile << "\t\t<" action " Include=\"" << (*entry).path << "\" />\n"; \
+		} \
+		projectFile << "\t</ItemGroup>\n"; \
+	}
+bool hasEnding(std::string const &fullString, std::string const &ending) {
+	if (fullString.length() > ending.length()) {
+		return (0 == fullString.compare (fullString.length() - ending.length(), ending.length(), ending));
+	} else {
+		return false;
+	}
+void MSBuildProvider::writeFileListToProject(const FileNode &dir, std::ofstream &projectFile, const int, const StringList &duplicate,
+                                             const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix) {
+	// Reset lists
+	_filters.clear();
+	_compileFiles.clear();
+	_includeFiles.clear();
+	_otherFiles.clear();
+	_resourceFiles.clear();
+	_asmFiles.clear();
+	// Compute the list of files
+	_filters.push_back(""); // init filters
+	computeFileList(dir, duplicate, objPrefix, filePrefix);
+	_filters.pop_back();    // remove last empty filter
+	// Output compile files
+	if (!_compileFiles.empty()) {
+		projectFile << "\t<ItemGroup>\n";
+		for (std::list<FileEntry>::const_iterator entry = _compileFiles.begin(); entry != _compileFiles.end(); ++entry) {
+			const bool isDuplicate = (std::find(duplicate.begin(), duplicate.end(), (*entry).name + ".o") != duplicate.end());
+			// Deal with duplicated file names
+			if (isDuplicate) {
+				projectFile << "\t\t<ClCompile Include=\"" << (*entry).path << "\">\n"
+				               "\t\t\t<ObjectFileName>$(IntDir)" << (*entry).prefix << "%(Filename).obj</ObjectFileName>\n";
+				if (hasEnding((*entry).path, "base\\version.cpp"))
+					projectFile <<  "\t\t\t<PreprocessorDefinitions Condition=\"'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'\">SCUMMVM_SVN_REVISION#" $(SCUMMVM_REVISION_STRING)";%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n";
+				projectFile << "\t\t</ClCompile>\n";
+			} else {
+				projectFile << "\t\t<ClCompile Include=\"" << (*entry).path << "\" />\n";
+			}
+		}
+		projectFile << "\t</ItemGroup>\n";
+	}
+	// Output include, other and resource files
+	OUPUT_FILES_MSBUILD(_includeFiles, "ClInclude")
+	OUPUT_FILES_MSBUILD(_otherFiles, "None")
+	OUPUT_FILES_MSBUILD(_resourceFiles, "ResourceCompile")
+	// Output asm files
+	if (!_asmFiles.empty()) {
+		projectFile << "\t<ItemGroup>\n";
+		for (std::list<FileEntry>::const_iterator entry = _asmFiles.begin(); entry != _asmFiles.end(); ++entry) {
+			const bool isDuplicate = (std::find(duplicate.begin(), duplicate.end(), (*entry).name + ".o") != duplicate.end());
+			projectFile << "\t\t<CustomBuild Include=\"" << (*entry).path << "\">\n"
+			               "\t\t\t<FileType>Document</FileType>\n";
+			projectFile << "\t\t</CustomBuild>\n";
+		}
+		projectFile << "\t</ItemGroup>\n";
+	}
+void MSBuildProvider::computeFileList(const FileNode &dir, const StringList &duplicate, const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix) {
+	for (FileNode::NodeList::const_iterator i = dir.children.begin(); i != dir.children.end(); ++i) {
+		const FileNode *node = *i;
+		if (!node->children.empty()) {
+			// Update filter
+			std::string _currentFilter = _filters.back();
+			_filters.back().append((_filters.back() == "" ? "" : "\\") + node->name);
+			computeFileList(*node, duplicate, objPrefix + node->name + '_', filePrefix + node->name + '/');
+			// Reset filter
+			_filters.push_back(_currentFilter);
+		} else {
+			// Filter files by extension
+			std::string name, ext;
+			splitFilename(node->name, name, ext);
+			FileEntry entry;
+			entry.name = name;
+			entry.path = convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name);
+			entry.filter = _filters.back();
+			entry.prefix = objPrefix;
+			if (ext == "cpp" || ext == "c")
+				_compileFiles.push_back(entry);
+			else if (ext == "h")
+				_includeFiles.push_back(entry);
+			else if (ext == "rc")
+				_resourceFiles.push_back(entry);
+			else if (ext == "asm")
+				_asmFiles.push_back(entry);
+			else
+				_otherFiles.push_back(entry);
+		}
+	}
+} // End of CreateProjectTool namespace

Property changes on: scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/msbuild.cpp
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Rev URL
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/msbuild.h
--- scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/msbuild.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/msbuild.h	2010-11-23 11:47:52 UTC (rev 54425)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include "msvc.h"
+namespace CreateProjectTool {
+class MSBuildProvider : public MSVCProvider {
+	MSBuildProvider(StringList &global_warnings, std::map<std::string, StringList> &project_warnings, const int version);
+	void createProjectFile(const std::string &name, const std::string &uuid, const BuildSetup &setup, const std::string &moduleDir,
+	                       const StringList &includeList, const StringList &excludeList);
+	void outputProjectSettings(std::ofstream &project, const std::string &name, const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, bool enableAnalysis);
+	void writeFileListToProject(const FileNode &dir, std::ofstream &projectFile, const int indentation,
+	                            const StringList &duplicate, const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix);
+	void writeReferences(std::ofstream &output);
+	void outputGlobalPropFile(std::ofstream &properties, int bits, const StringList &defines, const std::string &prefix);
+	void createBuildProp(const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, bool enableAnalysis);
+	const char *getProjectExtension();
+	const char *getPropertiesExtension();
+	int getVisualStudioVersion();
+	struct FileEntry {
+		std::string name;
+		std::string path;
+		std::string filter;
+		std::string prefix;
+		bool operator<(const FileEntry& rhs) const {
+			return path.compare(rhs.path) == -1;   // Not exactly right for alphabetical order, but good enough
+		}
+	};
+	typedef std::list<FileEntry> FileEntries;
+	std::list<std::string> _filters; // list of filters (we need to create a GUID for each filter id)
+	FileEntries _compileFiles;
+	FileEntries _includeFiles;
+	FileEntries _otherFiles;
+	FileEntries _asmFiles;
+	FileEntries _resourceFiles;
+	void computeFileList(const FileNode &dir, const StringList &duplicate, const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix);
+	void createFiltersFile(const BuildSetup &setup, const std::string &name);
+} // End of CreateProjectTool namespace

Property changes on: scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/msbuild.h
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Rev URL
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/visualstudio.cpp
--- scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/visualstudio.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/visualstudio.cpp	2010-11-23 11:47:52 UTC (rev 54425)
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include "visualstudio.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace CreateProjectTool {
+// Visual Studio Provider (Visual Studio 2005 & 2008)
+VisualStudioProvider::VisualStudioProvider(StringList &global_warnings, std::map<std::string, StringList> &project_warnings, const int version)
+	: MSVCProvider(global_warnings, project_warnings, version) {
+const char *VisualStudioProvider::getProjectExtension() {
+	return ".vcproj";
+const char *VisualStudioProvider::getPropertiesExtension() {
+	return ".vsprops";
+int VisualStudioProvider::getVisualStudioVersion() {
+	if (_version == 9)
+		return 2008;
+	if (_version == 8)
+		return 2005;
+	error("Unsupported version passed to createScummVMSolution");
+#define OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION_SCUMMVM(config, platform, props) { \
+	project << "\t\t<Configuration Name=\"" << config << "|" << platform << "\" ConfigurationType=\"1\" InheritedPropertySheets=\".\\ScummVM_" << config << props << ".vsprops\">\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t<Tool\tName=\"VCCLCompilerTool\" DisableLanguageExtensions=\"false\" />\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t<Tool\tName=\"VCLinkerTool\" OutputFile=\"$(OutDir)/scummvm.exe\"\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t\tAdditionalDependencies=\"" << libraries << "\"\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t/>\n" \
+	           "\t\t</Configuration>\n"; \
+#define OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION_SCUMMVM_DEBUG(config, platform, props, isWin32) { \
+	project << "\t\t<Configuration Name=\"" << config << "|" << platform << "\" ConfigurationType=\"1\" InheritedPropertySheets=\".\\ScummVM_" << config << props << ".vsprops\">\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t<Tool\tName=\"VCCLCompilerTool\" DisableLanguageExtensions=\"false\" />\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t<Tool\tName=\"VCLinkerTool\" OutputFile=\"$(OutDir)/scummvm.exe\"\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t\tAdditionalDependencies=\"" << libraries << "\"\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t/>\n"; \
+	if (setup.runBuildEvents) { \
+		project << "\t\t\t<Tool\tName=\"VCPreBuildEventTool\"\n" \
+				   "\t\t\t\tCommandLine=\"" << getPreBuildEvent() << "\"\n" \
+				   "\t\t\t/>\n" \
+				   "\t\t\t<Tool\tName=\"VCPostBuildEventTool\"\n" \
+				   "\t\t\t\tCommandLine=\"" << getPostBuildEvent(isWin32) << "\"\n" \
+				   "\t\t\t/>\n" \
+				   "\t\t</Configuration>\n"; \
+	} \
+#define OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION(config, platform, props) { \
+	project << "\t\t<Configuration Name=\"" << config << "|" << platform << "\" ConfigurationType=\"4\" InheritedPropertySheets=\".\\ScummVM_" << config << props << ".vsprops\">\n" \
+	           "\t\t\t<Tool Name=\"VCCLCompilerTool\" "<< toolConfig << "/>\n" \
+	           "\t\t</Configuration>\n"; \
+void VisualStudioProvider::createProjectFile(const std::string &name, const std::string &uuid, const BuildSetup &setup, const std::string &moduleDir,
+                                             const StringList &includeList, const StringList &excludeList) {
+	const std::string projectFile = setup.outputDir + '/' + name + getProjectExtension();
+	std::ofstream project(projectFile.c_str());
+	if (!project)
+		error("Could not open \"" + projectFile + "\" for writing");
+	project << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"windows-1252\"?>\n"
+	           "<VisualStudioProject\n"
+	           "\tProjectType=\"Visual C++\"\n"
+	           "\tVersion=\"" << _version << ".00\"\n"
+	           "\tName=\"" << name << "\"\n"
+	           "\tProjectGUID=\"{" << uuid << "}\"\n"
+	           "\tRootNamespace=\"" << name << "\"\n"
+	           "\tKeyword=\"Win32Proj\"\n";
+	if (_version >= 9)
+		project << "\tTargetFrameworkVersion=\"131072\"\n";
+	project << "\t>\n"
+	           "\t<Platforms>\n"
+	           "\t\t<Platform Name=\"Win32\" />\n"
+	           "\t\t<Platform Name=\"x64\" />\n"
+	           "\t</Platforms>\n"
+	           "\t<Configurations>\n";
+	// Check for project-specific warnings:
+	std::map< std::string, std::list<std::string> >::iterator warningsIterator = _projectWarnings.find(name);
+	if (name == "scummvm") {
+		std::string libraries;
+		for (StringList::const_iterator i = setup.libraries.begin(); i != setup.libraries.end(); ++i)
+			libraries += ' ' + *i + ".lib";
+		// Win32
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION_SCUMMVM_DEBUG("Debug", "Win32", "", true);
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION_SCUMMVM_DEBUG("Analysis", "Win32", "", true);
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION_SCUMMVM("Release", "Win32", "");
+		// x64
+		// For 'x64' we must disable NASM support. Usually we would need to disable the "nasm" feature for that and
+		// re-create the library list, BUT since NASM doesn't link any additional libraries, we can just use the
+		// libraries list created for IA-32. If that changes in the future, we need to adjust this part!
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION_SCUMMVM_DEBUG("Debug", "x64", "64", true);
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION_SCUMMVM_DEBUG("Analysis", "x64", "64", true);
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION_SCUMMVM("Release", "x64", "64");
+	} else {
+		std::string warnings = "";
+		if (warningsIterator != _projectWarnings.end())
+			for (StringList::const_iterator i = warningsIterator->second.begin(); i != warningsIterator->second.end(); ++i)
+				warnings +=  *i + ';';
+		std::string toolConfig;
+		toolConfig  = (!warnings.empty() ? "DisableSpecificWarnings=\"" + warnings + "\"" : "");
+		toolConfig += (name == "tinsel" ? "DebugInformationFormat=\"3\" " : "");
+		toolConfig += (name == "sword25" ? "DisableLanguageExtensions=\"false\" " : "");
+		// Win32
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION("Debug", "Win32", "");
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION("Analysis", "Win32", "");
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION("Release", "Win32", "");
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION("Debug", "x64", "64");
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION("Analysis", "x64", "64");
+		OUTPUT_CONFIGURATION("Release", "x64", "64");
+	}
+	project << "\t</Configurations>\n"
+	           "\t<Files>\n";
+	std::string modulePath;
+	if (!moduleDir.compare(0, setup.srcDir.size(), setup.srcDir)) {
+		modulePath = moduleDir.substr(setup.srcDir.size());
+		if (!modulePath.empty() && modulePath.at(0) == '/')
+			modulePath.erase(0, 1);
+	}
+	if (modulePath.size())
+		addFilesToProject(moduleDir, project, includeList, excludeList, setup.filePrefix + '/' + modulePath);
+	else
+		addFilesToProject(moduleDir, project, includeList, excludeList, setup.filePrefix);
+	project << "\t</Files>\n"
+	           "</VisualStudioProject>\n";
+void VisualStudioProvider::writeReferences(std::ofstream &output) {
+	output << "\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\n";
+	for (UUIDMap::const_iterator i = _uuidMap.begin(); i != _uuidMap.end(); ++i) {
+		if (i->first == "scummvm")
+			continue;
+		output << "\t\t{" << i->second << "} = {" << i->second << "}\n";
+	}
+	output << "\tEndProjectSection\n";
+void VisualStudioProvider::outputGlobalPropFile(std::ofstream &properties, int bits, const StringList &defines, const std::string &prefix) {
+	std::string warnings;
+	for (StringList::const_iterator i = _globalWarnings.begin(); i != _globalWarnings.end(); ++i)
+		warnings +=  *i + ';';
+	std::string definesList;
+	for (StringList::const_iterator i = defines.begin(); i != defines.end(); ++i) {
+		if (i != defines.begin())
+			definesList += ';';
+		definesList += *i;
+	}
+	properties << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"Windows-1252\"?>\n"
+	              "<VisualStudioPropertySheet\n"
+	              "\tProjectType=\"Visual C++\"\n"
+	              "\tVersion=\"8.00\"\n"
+	              "\tName=\"ScummVM_Global\"\n"
+	              "\tOutputDirectory=\"$(ConfigurationName)" << bits << "\"\n"
+	              "\tIntermediateDirectory=\"$(ConfigurationName)" << bits << "/$(ProjectName)\"\n"
+	              "\t>\n"
+	              "\t<Tool\n"
+	              "\t\tName=\"VCCLCompilerTool\"\n"
+	              "\t\tDisableLanguageExtensions=\"true\"\n"
+	              "\t\tDisableSpecificWarnings=\"" << warnings << "\"\n"
+	              "\t\tAdditionalIncludeDirectories=\"" << prefix << ";" << prefix << "\\engines;$(SCUMMVM_LIBS)\\include\"\n"
+	              "\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"" << definesList << "\"\n"
+	              "\t\tExceptionHandling=\"0\"\n"
+	              "\t\tRuntimeTypeInfo=\"false\"\n"
+	              "\t\tWarningLevel=\"4\"\n"
+	              "\t\tWarnAsError=\"false\"\n"
+	              "\t\tCompileAs=\"0\"\n"
+	              "\t\t/>\n"
+	              "\t<Tool\n"
+	              "\t\tName=\"VCLibrarianTool\"\n"
+	              "\t\tIgnoreDefaultLibraryNames=\"\"\n"
+	              "\t/>\n"
+	              "\t<Tool\n"
+	              "\t\tName=\"VCLinkerTool\"\n"
+	              "\t\tIgnoreDefaultLibraryNames=\"\"\n"
+	              "\t\tSubSystem=\"1\"\n"
+	              "\t\tEntryPointSymbol=\"WinMainCRTStartup\"\n"
+	              "\t/>\n"
+	              "\t<Tool\n"
+	              "\t\tName=\"VCResourceCompilerTool\"\n"
+	              "\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"HAS_INCLUDE_SET\"\n"
+	              "\t\tAdditionalIncludeDirectories=\"$(SCUMMVM_LIBS)\\lib\\" << (bits == 32 ? "x86" : "x64") << "\"\n"
+	              "\t/>\n"
+	              "</VisualStudioPropertySheet>\n";
+	properties.flush();
+void VisualStudioProvider::createBuildProp(const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, bool enableAnalysis) {
+	const std::string outputType = (enableAnalysis ? "Analysis" : (isRelease ? "Release" : "Debug"));
+	const std::string outputBitness = (isWin32 ? "32" : "64");
+	std::ofstream properties((setup.outputDir + '/' + "ScummVM_" + outputType + (isWin32 ? "" : "64") + getPropertiesExtension()).c_str());
+	if (!properties)
+		error("Could not open \"" + setup.outputDir + '/' + "ScummVM_" + outputType + (isWin32 ? "" : "64") + getPropertiesExtension() + "\" for writing");
+	properties << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"Windows-1252\"?>\n"
+	              "<VisualStudioPropertySheet\n"
+	              "\tProjectType=\"Visual C++\"\n"
+	              "\tVersion=\"8.00\"\n"
+	              "\tName=\"ScummVM_" << outputType << outputBitness << "\"\n"
+	              "\tInheritedPropertySheets=\".\\ScummVM_Global" << (isWin32 ? "" : "64") << ".vsprops\"\n"
+	              "\t>\n"
+	              "\t<Tool\n"
+	              "\t\tName=\"VCCLCompilerTool\"\n";
+	if (isRelease) {
+		properties << "\t\tEnableIntrinsicFunctions=\"true\"\n"
+		              "\t\tWholeProgramOptimization=\"true\"\n"
+		              "\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"WIN32;RELEASE_BUILD\"\n"
+		              "\t\tStringPooling=\"true\"\n"
+		              "\t\tBufferSecurityCheck=\"false\"\n"
+		              "\t\tDebugInformationFormat=\"0\"\n"
+		              "\t\tAdditionalOption=\"" << (enableAnalysis ? "/analyze" : "") << "\"\n"
+		              "\t/>\n"
+		              "\t<Tool\n"
+		              "\t\tName=\"VCLinkerTool\"\n"
+		              "\t\tLinkIncremental=\"1\"\n"
+		              "\t\tIgnoreDefaultLibraryNames=\"\"\n"
+		              "\t\tSetChecksum=\"true\"\n";
+	} else {
+		properties << "\t\tOptimization=\"0\"\n"
+		              "\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"WIN32\"\n"
+		              "\t\tMinimalRebuild=\"true\"\n"
+		              "\t\tBasicRuntimeChecks=\"3\"\n"
+		              "\t\tRuntimeLibrary=\"1\"\n"
+		              "\t\tEnableFunctionLevelLinking=\"true\"\n"
+		              "\t\tWarnAsError=\"false\"\n"
+		              "\t\tDebugInformationFormat=\"" << (isWin32 ? "4" : "3") << "\"\n"	// For x64 format "4" (Edit and continue) is not supported, thus we default to "3"
+		              "\t\tAdditionalOption=\"" << (enableAnalysis ? "/analyze" : "") << "\"\n"
+		              "\t/>\n"
+		              "\t<Tool\n"
+		              "\t\tName=\"VCLinkerTool\"\n"
+		              "\t\tLinkIncremental=\"2\"\n"
+		              "\t\tGenerateDebugInformation=\"true\"\n"
+		              "\t\tIgnoreDefaultLibraryNames=\"libcmt.lib\"\n";
+	}
+	properties << "\t/>\n"
+	              "</VisualStudioPropertySheet>\n";
+	properties.flush();
+	properties.close();
+void VisualStudioProvider::writeFileListToProject(const FileNode &dir, std::ofstream &projectFile, const int indentation,
+                                                  const StringList &duplicate, const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix) {
+	const std::string indentString = getIndent(indentation + 2);
+	if (indentation)
+		projectFile << getIndent(indentation + 1) << "<Filter\tName=\"" << dir.name << "\">\n";
+	for (FileNode::NodeList::const_iterator i = dir.children.begin(); i != dir.children.end(); ++i) {
+		const FileNode *node = *i;
+		if (!node->children.empty()) {
+			writeFileListToProject(*node, projectFile, indentation + 1, duplicate, objPrefix + node->name + '_', filePrefix + node->name + '/');
+		} else {
+			if (producesObjectFile(node->name)) {
+				std::string name, ext;
+				splitFilename(node->name, name, ext);
+				const bool isDuplicate = (std::find(duplicate.begin(), duplicate.end(), name + ".o") != duplicate.end());
+				if (ext == "asm") {
+					std::string objFileName = "$(IntDir)\\";
+					if (isDuplicate)
+						objFileName += objPrefix;
+					objFileName += "$(InputName).obj";
+					const std::string toolLine = indentString + "\t\t<Tool Name=\"VCCustomBuildTool\" CommandLine=\"nasm.exe -f win32 -g -o "" + objFileName + "" "$(InputPath)"&#x0D;&#x0A;\" Outputs=\"" + objFileName + "\" />\n";
+					// NASM is not supported for x64, thus we do not need to add additional entries here :-).
+					projectFile << indentString << "<File RelativePath=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\">\n"
+					            << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Debug|Win32\">\n"
+					            << toolLine
+					            << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n"
+								<< indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Analysis|Win32\">\n"
+								<< toolLine
+								<< indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n"
+					            << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Release|Win32\">\n"
+					            << toolLine
+					            << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n"
+					            << indentString << "</File>\n";
+				} else {
+					if (isDuplicate) {
+						const std::string toolLine = indentString + "\t\t<Tool Name=\"VCCLCompilerTool\" ObjectFile=\"$(IntDir)\\" + objPrefix + "$(InputName).obj\" XMLDocumentationFileName=\"$(IntDir)\\" + objPrefix + "$(InputName).xdc\" />\n";
+						projectFile << indentString << "<File RelativePath=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\">\n"
+						            << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Debug|Win32\">\n"
+						            << toolLine
+						            << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n"
+									<< indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Analysis|Win32\">\n"
+									<< toolLine
+									<< indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n"
+						            << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Release|Win32\">\n"
+						            << toolLine
+						            << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n"
+									<< indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Debug|x64\">\n"
+									<< toolLine
+									<< indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n"
+									<< indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Analysis|x64\">\n"
+									<< toolLine
+									<< indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n"
+						            << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Release|x64\">\n"
+						            << toolLine
+						            << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n"
+						            << indentString << "</File>\n";
+					} else {
+						projectFile << indentString << "<File RelativePath=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\" />\n";
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				projectFile << indentString << "<File RelativePath=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\" />\n";
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (indentation)
+		projectFile << getIndent(indentation + 1) << "</Filter>\n";
+} // End of CreateProjectTool namespace

Property changes on: scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/visualstudio.cpp
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Rev URL
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/visualstudio.h
--- scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/visualstudio.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/visualstudio.h	2010-11-23 11:47:52 UTC (rev 54425)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * $URL$
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ */
+#include "msvc.h"
+namespace CreateProjectTool {
+class VisualStudioProvider : public MSVCProvider {
+	VisualStudioProvider(StringList &global_warnings, std::map<std::string, StringList> &project_warnings, const int version);
+	void createProjectFile(const std::string &name, const std::string &uuid, const BuildSetup &setup, const std::string &moduleDir,
+	                       const StringList &includeList, const StringList &excludeList);
+	void writeFileListToProject(const FileNode &dir, std::ofstream &projectFile, const int indentation,
+	                            const StringList &duplicate, const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix);
+	void writeReferences(std::ofstream &output);
+	void outputGlobalPropFile(std::ofstream &properties, int bits, const StringList &defines, const std::string &prefix);
+	void createBuildProp(const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, bool enableAnalysis);
+	const char *getProjectExtension();
+	const char *getPropertiesExtension();
+	int getVisualStudioVersion();
+} // End of CreateProjectTool namespace

Property changes on: scummvm/trunk/tools/create_project/visualstudio.h
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Rev URL
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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