[Scummvm-cvs-logs] scummvm master -> 79f6e7080a0542a4e58fbde689f17b79a088db09

digitall dgturner at iee.org
Fri Aug 16 08:15:33 CEST 2013

This automated email contains information about 3 new commits which have been
pushed to the 'scummvm' repo located at https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm .

49ea7cd1fd GUI: Add too long string literal warning code to theme generation tool.
01a1e63786 GUI: Add code to default theme generation to reduce string length.
79f6e7080a Merge pull request #384 from digitall/themeMaxSize

Commit: 49ea7cd1fdac7e85f6744ca79232fcfc9e11d3c4
Author: D G Turner (digitall at scummvm.org)
Date: 2013-08-15T22:54:54-07:00

Commit Message:
GUI: Add too long string literal warning code to theme generation tool.

This has the same effect as clang's -Woverlength-strings warning of
string literals longer than C++ compilers are specified to work with.

Changed paths:

diff --git a/gui/themes/scummtheme.py b/gui/themes/scummtheme.py
index 4c55fd7..e8001f8 100755
--- a/gui/themes/scummtheme.py
+++ b/gui/themes/scummtheme.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ def parseSTX(theme_file, def_file):
 	comm = re.compile("<!--(.*?)-->", re.DOTALL)
 	head = re.compile("<\?(.*?)\?>")
+	strlitcount = 0
 	output = ""
 	for line in theme_file:
 		output +=  line.rstrip("\r\n\t ").lstrip() + " \n"
@@ -48,7 +49,9 @@ def parseSTX(theme_file, def_file):
 	for line in output.splitlines():
 		if line and not line.isspace():
+			strlitcount += len(line)
 			def_file.write("\"" + line + "\"\n")
+	return strlitcount
 def buildDefTheme(themeName):
 	def_file = open("default.inc", "w")
@@ -57,16 +60,23 @@ def buildDefTheme(themeName):
 		print ("Cannot open default theme dir.")
 	def_file.write(""" "<?xml version = '1.0'?>"\n""")
+	strlitcount = 24
 	for filename in os.listdir(themeName):
 		filename = os.path.join(themeName, filename)
 		if os.path.isfile(filename) and filename.endswith(".stx"):
 			theme_file = open(filename, "r")
-			parseSTX(theme_file, def_file)
+			strlitcount += parseSTX(theme_file, def_file)
+	if strlitcount > 65535:
+		print("WARNING: default.inc string literal is of length %d which exceeds the" % strlitcount)
+		print("         maximum length of 65536 that C++ compilers are required to support.")
+		print("         It is likely that bugs will occur dependent on compiler behaviour.")
+		print("         To avoid this, reduce the size of the theme.")
 def printUsage():
 	print ("===============================")
 	print ("ScummVM Theme Generation Script")

Commit: 01a1e63786cc8c37d1a49f9eb33635d2ad1a2b62
Author: D G Turner (digitall at scummvm.org)
Date: 2013-08-15T22:57:40-07:00

Commit Message:
GUI: Add code to default theme generation to reduce string length.

The additional code skips the extraneous spaces after the end of an
XML close brace (>) reducing the string literal by 3106 characters,
thus bringing it within the limit for C++ string literals.

Have regenerated the default.inc from scummclassic with this change.

Changed paths:

diff --git a/gui/themes/default.inc b/gui/themes/default.inc
index 1b6ae3e..352cc86 100644
--- a/gui/themes/default.inc
+++ b/gui/themes/default.inc
@@ -1,142 +1,142 @@
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diff --git a/gui/themes/scummtheme.py b/gui/themes/scummtheme.py
index e8001f8..524e914 100755
--- a/gui/themes/scummtheme.py
+++ b/gui/themes/scummtheme.py
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ def parseSTX(theme_file, def_file):
 	strlitcount = 0
 	output = ""
 	for line in theme_file:
-		output +=  line.rstrip("\r\n\t ").lstrip() + " \n"
+		output +=  line.rstrip("\r\n\t ").lstrip()
+		if not output.endswith('>'):
+			output += ' '
+		output += "\n"
 	output = re.sub(comm, "", output)
 	output = re.sub(head, "", output)

Commit: 79f6e7080a0542a4e58fbde689f17b79a088db09
Author: David Turner (dgturner at iee.org)
Date: 2013-08-15T23:14:40-07:00

Commit Message:
Merge pull request #384 from digitall/themeMaxSize

Bug fix for default builtin theme exceeding maximum size for C++ string literal..

Changed paths:

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