[Scummvm-git-logs] scummvm master -> 265fd398fbb604690e861e0685e47228aaf8bfa5

dreammaster dreammaster at scummvm.org
Tue Jan 30 14:05:09 CET 2018

This automated email contains information about 1 new commit which have been
pushed to the 'scummvm' repo located at https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm .

265fd398fb XEEN: In progress implementing World of Xeen endgame

Commit: 265fd398fbb604690e861e0685e47228aaf8bfa5
Author: Paul Gilbert (dreammaster at scummvm.org)
Date: 2018-01-30T08:05:00-05:00

Commit Message:
XEEN: In progress implementing World of Xeen endgame

Changed paths:

diff --git a/engines/xeen/resources.cpp b/engines/xeen/resources.cpp
index 8e23341..1239dd9 100644
--- a/engines/xeen/resources.cpp
+++ b/engines/xeen/resources.cpp
@@ -1693,5 +1693,18 @@ const char *const Resources::NO_LOADING_IN_COMBAT =
 	"No Loading Allowed in Combat!";
 const char *const Resources::NO_SAVING_IN_COMBAT =
 	"No Saving Allowed in Combat!";
+const char *const Resources::WORLD_END_TEXT[8] = {
+	"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+	"Congratulations Adventurers!\n\n"
+	"Let the unification ceremony begin!",
+	"And so the call went out to the people throughout the lands of Xeen"
+	" that the prophecy was nearing completion.",
+	"They came in great numbers to witness the momentous occasion.",
+	"\xB""026The Dragon Pharoah presided over the ceremony.",
+	"\xB""026Queen Kalindra presented the Cube of Power.",
+	"\xB""026Prince Roland presented the Xeen Sceptre.",
+	"\xB""026Together, they placed the Cube of Power...",
+	"\xB""026and the Sceptre, onto the Altar of Joining."
 } // End of namespace Xeen
diff --git a/engines/xeen/resources.h b/engines/xeen/resources.h
index 040a787..de031db 100644
--- a/engines/xeen/resources.h
+++ b/engines/xeen/resources.h
@@ -361,6 +361,7 @@ public:
 	static const char *const MR_WIZARD;
 	static const char *const NO_LOADING_IN_COMBAT;
 	static const char *const NO_SAVING_IN_COMBAT;
+	static const char *const WORLD_END_TEXT[8];
 	 * Initializes an instnace of the resources
diff --git a/engines/xeen/worldofxeen/worldofxeen.cpp b/engines/xeen/worldofxeen/worldofxeen.cpp
index 9812b45..4d25c47 100644
--- a/engines/xeen/worldofxeen/worldofxeen.cpp
+++ b/engines/xeen/worldofxeen/worldofxeen.cpp
@@ -178,8 +178,204 @@ void WorldOfXeenEngine::showCutscene(const Common::String &name) {
 void WorldOfXeenEngine::showWorldOfXeenEnding() {
+	Windows &windows = *_windows;
+	Window &w0 = windows[0];
+	_files->setGameCc(1);
+	_sound->playSong("outday3.m");
+	showPharaohEndText(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[0], nullptr, nullptr);
+	_sound->playSound("elect.voc");
+	Graphics::ManagedSurface savedBg;
+	_screen->loadBackground("skymain.raw");
+	savedBg.copyFrom(*_screen);
+	_screen->loadBackground("twrsky1.raw");
+	_screen->loadPage(0);
+	_screen->loadPage(1);
+	_screen->loadPalette("skymain.pal");
+	SpriteResource sc02("sc02.eg2"), tower1("tower1.eg2"), tower2("tower2.eg2"),
+		sc3a("sc3a.eg2"), sc06("sc06.eg2"), sc14("sc14.eg2"), sc13("sc13.eg2"),
+		sc17("sc17.eg2"), cube("cube.eg2"), hands("hands.eg2"),
+		sc20a("sc20a.eg2"), sc20b("sc20b.eg2"), sc20c("sc20c.eg2"),
+		sc20d("sc20d.eg2"), sc22a("sc22a.eg2"), sc22b("sc22b.eg2"),
+		sc10("sc10.eg2"), staff("staff.eg2");
+	SpriteResource sc3b[2] = {
+		SpriteResource("sc3b1.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc3b2.eg2")
+	};
+	windows[41].writeString("\x1\xD");
+	_screen->fadeOut();
+	while (!shouldQuit() && _sound->isPlaying())
+		_events->pollEventsAndWait();
+	_sound->playSong("nwblksmt.m");
+	_screen->blitFrom(savedBg);
+	setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[1]);
+	w0.update();
+	_screen->fadeIn();
+	_events->updateGameCounter();
+	_events->wait(60);
+	for (int idx = 0; idx < 50 && !shouldQuit(); ++idx) {
+		if (idx == 9 || idx == 22 || idx == 33 || idx == 44)
+			_sound->playSound("whoosh.voc");
+		_events->updateGameCounter();
+		_screen->blitFrom(savedBg);
+		sc02.draw(0, idx);
+		setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[1]);
+		w0.update();
+		_events->wait(2);
+	}
+	for (int idx = 0; idx < 40 && !shouldQuit(); ++idx) {
+		_screen->horizMerge();
+		_events->updateGameCounter();
+		tower1.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(0, 0), SPRFLAG_800);
+		sc3a.draw(0, idx, Common::Point(91, 86), SPRFLAG_800);
+		w0.update();
+		_events->wait(2);
+	}
+	int frame = 40, frame2 = 0;
+	for (int idx = 0, xp = 0; idx < SCREEN_WIDTH && !shouldQuit(); ++idx) {
+		_events->updateGameCounter();
+		_screen->horizMerge(xp);
+		tower1.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(idx, 0), SPRFLAG_800);
+		sc3a.draw(0, frame, Common::Point(idx + 91, 86), SPRFLAG_800);
+		tower2.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(idx - 320, 0), SPRFLAG_800);
+		tower2.draw(0, 1, Common::Point(idx - (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2), 0), SPRFLAG_800);
+		sc3b[frame2 / 30].draw(0, frame2 % 30, Common::Point(idx - 277, 65), SPRFLAG_800);
+		frame = (frame + 1) % 57;
+		if (idx > (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2))
+			frame2 = (frame2 + 1) % 60;
+		xp -= 2;
+		if (xp < 1)
+			xp = SCREEN_WIDTH;
+		if (idx > 120)
+			setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[2]);
+		w0.update();
+		_events->wait(2);
+	}
+	for (; frame2 < 60 && !shouldQuit(); ++frame2) {
+		_events->updateGameCounter();
+		_screen->horizMerge(frame);
+		tower2.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(0, 0), SPRFLAG_800);
+		tower2.draw(0, 1, Common::Point(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, 0), SPRFLAG_800);
+		sc3b[frame2 / 30].draw(frame2 % 30, 0, Common::Point(43, 65), SPRFLAG_800);
+		setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[2]);
+		w0.update();
+		_events->wait(2);
+	}
+	if (shouldQuit())
+		return;
+	_screen->freePages();
+	_screen->fadeOut();
+	_screen->loadBackground("foura.raw");
+	savedBg.blitFrom(*_screen);
+	sc06.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(26, 25));
+	w0.update();
+	_screen->fadeIn();
+	for (int idx = 0; idx < 26 && !shouldQuit(); ++idx) {
+		_events->updateGameCounter();
+		_screen->blitFrom(savedBg);
+		sc06.draw(0, idx, Common::Point(26, 75));
+		_events->wait(2);
+	}
+	if (shouldQuit())
+		return;
+	_screen->fadeOut();
+	_screen->loadBackground("eg140001.raw");
+	savedBg.blitFrom(*_screen);
+	w0.update();
+	setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[3]);
+	_screen->fadeIn();
+	for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < 2 && !shouldQuit(); ++idx1) {
+		for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < 15 && !shouldQuit(); ++idx2) {
+			_events->updateGameCounter();
+			_screen->blitFrom(savedBg);
+			sc14.draw(0, idx2, Common::Point(141, 63));
+			setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[3]);
+			w0.update();
+			_events->wait(2);
+		}
+	}
+	_screen->loadBackground("eg100001.raw");
+	_screen->loadPage(0);
+	savedBg.blitFrom(*_screen);
+	for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < 2 && !shouldQuit(); ++idx1) {
+		for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < 6 && !shouldQuit(); ++idx2) {
+			_events->updateGameCounter();
+			_screen->blitFrom(savedBg);
+			sc14.draw(0, idx2, Common::Point(26, 21));
+			setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[4]);
+			w0.update();
+			_events->wait(2);
+		}
+	}
+	_screen->blitFrom(savedBg);
+	sc13.draw(0, 5, Common::Point(26, 21));
+	savedBg.blitFrom(*_screen);
+	setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[4]);
+	w0.update();
+	frame = 0;
+	for (int idx = 185; idx > 68 && !shouldQuit(); idx -= 3) {
+		if (!_sound->isPlaying())
+			_sound->playSound("cast.voc");
+		_events->updateGameCounter();
+		_screen->blitFrom(savedBg);
+		sc17.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(33, idx), SPRFLAG_4000);
+		sc17.draw(0, frame, Common::Point(33, idx), SPRFLAG_4000);
+		setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[4]);
+		w0.update();
+		_events->wait(2);
+		frame = (frame + 1) % 17;
+	}
+	for (int idx = 0; idx < 17 && !shouldQuit(); ++idx) {
+		if (!_sound->isPlaying())
+			_sound->playSound("cast.voc");
+		_events->updateGameCounter();
+		_screen->blitFrom(savedBg);
+		sc17.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(33, 68), SPRFLAG_4000);
+		sc17.draw(0, idx, Common::Point(33, 68), SPRFLAG_4000);
+		setWorldEndingSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[4]);
+		w0.update();
+		_events->wait(2);
+	}
 	// TODO
+void WorldOfXeenEngine::setWorldEndingSubtitle(const Common::String &msg) {
+	Windows &windows = *_windows;
+	const char *const FORMAT1 = "\xB""000\t000\xC""38\x3""c%s";
+	const char *const FORMAT2 = "\xB""000\t000\xC""39\x3""c%s";
+	windows[28].writeString(Common::String::format(FORMAT1, msg.c_str()));
+	windows[28].writeString(Common::String::format(FORMAT2, msg.c_str()));
 } // End of namespace WorldOfXeen
 } // End of namespace Xeen
diff --git a/engines/xeen/worldofxeen/worldofxeen.h b/engines/xeen/worldofxeen/worldofxeen.h
index 0ec31f3..5c050e7 100644
--- a/engines/xeen/worldofxeen/worldofxeen.h
+++ b/engines/xeen/worldofxeen/worldofxeen.h
@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ private:
 	 * Show World of Xeen ending
 	void showWorldOfXeenEnding();
+	/**
+	 * Sets a subtitle during the world of xeen ending
+	 */
+	void setWorldEndingSubtitle(const Common::String &msg);
 	 * Outer gameplay loop responsible for dispatching control to game-specific

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