[Scummvm-devel] The Situation (omnious music..)

Pawel Kolodziejski pablo at omega.xtr.net.pl
Thu May 6 22:08:05 CEST 2004

> Maybe it is indeed time to fan out into multiple projects... One which
> deals with the OSystem stuff (and the rest of the infrastructure, so:
> backends/, common/, graphics/, gui/, sound/). And then ScummVM
> (=AdventureVM... ), and residual, and awe, and anything else which
> might want to make use of it... of course that would decouple
> development of the backends from the frontend, meaning slightly less
> flexibility... OTOH, having "stable" release of the backend stuff to
> work against might indeed have its very own advantages... projects
> would use "OSystem 1.0.4" or "OSystem 1.2.1" etc..
> Ah well. I bet I'll get a lot of people immediately rejecting this
> idea, and a lot of other people hailing it as the one true way :-).

I would agree with possibility group all games in type games "vm" engines,
like adventureVM and actionVM i seperated dirs like residual. About
osystem I agree split osystem framework into separate cvs tree. That would
be very usefull for development, creating new ideas, features, without
impact for main tree cvs of games. Games would use only fully tested
framework. We could create app for automation testing osystem framework.

Residual use sound mixer and code primitives from scummvm. By adding 2d
polygon/3d (opengl, directx, and other stuff) api to osystem framework
that would be usefull for for awe and residual, and maybe some new
action/3d engines.


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