[Scummvm-devel] scummvm-tools git conversion, second edition

Max Horn max at quendi.de
Fri Jan 7 18:20:37 CET 2011


there is one more thing we should think about: What to do with SVN keywords like $Date$ and $Id$?

To quote the git FAQ <https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/GitFaq#Does_git_have_keyword_expansion.3F>.
"Does git have keyword expansion?

Keyword expansion is not recommended. Keyword expansion causes all sorts of strange problems and isn't really useful anyway, especially within the context of an SCM. You can perform keyword expansion outside of git using a custom script. The Linux kernel export script does this to set the EXTRA_VERSION variable in the Makefile.

See gitattributes(5) if you really want to do this. If your translation is not reversible (eg SCCS keyword expansion) this may be problematic. 

It was always quite convenient to use $Date$ in the README. Other than that, do we really need e.g. $Id$ in the header of every source file? I can think of one advantage: Sometimes 3rd parties take a snapshot of ScummVM at some point in time, and modify it. Then if one later wants to integrate a copy of that modified code, it's helpful to know for each file on what revision in our repos it was based. This is a fairly rare use case, however, and it seems git helps with that anyway, see e.g. <http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/44849>. 



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