[Scummvm-cvs-logs] CVS: scummvm/PocketSCUMM/missing assert.h,NONE,1.1 conio.h,NONE,1.1 dir.h,NONE,1.1 direct.h,NONE,1.1 dirent.h,NONE,1.1 errno.h,NONE,1.1 fcntl.h,NONE,1.1 io.h,NONE,1.1 missing.cpp,NONE,1.1 signal.h,NONE,1.1 time.h,NONE,1.1 unistd.h,NONE,1.1

Claudio Matsuoka cmatsuoka at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Nov 6 11:13:34 CET 2001

Update of /cvsroot/scummvm/scummvm/PocketSCUMM/missing
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv11796/missing

Added Files:
	assert.h conio.h dir.h direct.h dirent.h errno.h fcntl.h io.h 
	missing.cpp signal.h time.h unistd.h 
Log Message:
Merged Vasyl Tsvirkunov's PocketPC port.

--- NEW FILE: assert.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */

#define assert(a) ;
--- NEW FILE: conio.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */

--- NEW FILE: dir.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */

--- NEW FILE: direct.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */

--- NEW FILE: dirent.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */
/* It would not be a bad idea to take this thing from gcc distro and port
   it properly. For now only required part is ported. */

struct dirent
	long		d_ino;		/* Always zero. */
	unsigned short	d_reclen;	/* Always zero. */
	unsigned short	d_namlen;	/* Length of name in d_name. */
	char*		d_name; 	/* File name. */
	/* NOTE: The name in the dirent structure points to the name in the
	 *		 finddata_t structure in the DIR. */

 * This is an internal data structure. Good programmers will not use it
 * except as an argument to one of the functions below.
typedef struct
	/* disk transfer area for this dir */
/*	struct _finddata_t	dd_dta; */

	/* dirent struct to return from dir (NOTE: this makes this thread
	 * safe as long as only one thread uses a particular DIR struct at
	 * a time) */
	struct dirent		dd_dir;

	/* _findnext handle */
	long			dd_handle;

		 * Status of search:
	 *	 0 = not started yet (next entry to read is first entry)
	 *	-1 = off the end
	 *	 positive = 0 based index of next entry
	short			dd_stat;

	/* given path for dir with search pattern (struct is extended) */
	char			dd_name[1];
} DIR;

DIR*		opendir (const char*);
struct dirent*	readdir (DIR*);
int 	closedir (DIR*);
void		rewinddir (DIR*);
long		telldir (DIR*);
void		seekdir (DIR*, long);

--- NEW FILE: errno.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */

--- NEW FILE: fcntl.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */

--- NEW FILE: io.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */

/* This stuff will live here until port configuration file is in place */
#define stricmp _stricmp
#define strdup _strdup
#define _HEAPOK 0
#define _heapchk() 0

   typedef void FILE;
   #define _FILE_DEFINED
FILE* wce_fopen(const char* fname, const char* fmode);
#define fopen wce_fopen

--- NEW FILE: missing.cpp ---
   Implementation for standard and semi-standard C library calls missing in WinCE
   (C) 2001 Vasyl Tsvirkunov
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sys/stat.h"
#include "sys/time.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "dirent.h"

/* forward declaration */
char *strdup(const char *strSource);

/* Limited dirent implementation. Used by UI.C and DEVICES.C */
static WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd;

DIR* opendir(const char* fname)
	DIR* pdir;
	char fnameMask[MAX_PATH+1];
	TCHAR fnameUnc[MAX_PATH+1];
	char nameFound[MAX_PATH+1];
	if(fname == NULL)
		return NULL;
	strcpy(fnameMask, fname);
	if(!strlen(fnameMask) || fnameMask[strlen(fnameMask)-1] != '\\')
		strncat(fnameMask, "\\", MAX_PATH-strlen(fnameMask)-1);
	strncat(fnameMask, "*.*", MAX_PATH-strlen(fnameMask)-4);
	pdir = (DIR*)malloc(sizeof(DIR)+strlen(fname));
	pdir->dd_dir.d_ino = 0;
	pdir->dd_dir.d_reclen = 0;
	pdir->dd_dir.d_name = 0;
	pdir->dd_dir.d_namlen = 0;
	pdir->dd_handle = 0;
	pdir->dd_stat = 0;
	strcpy(pdir->dd_name, fname); /* it has exactly enough space for fname and nul char */
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, fnameMask, -1, fnameUnc, MAX_PATH);
	if((pdir->dd_handle = (long)FindFirstFile(fnameUnc, &wfd)) == (long)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		return NULL;
		WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wfd.cFileName, -1, nameFound, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL);
		pdir->dd_dir.d_name = strdup(nameFound);
		pdir->dd_dir.d_namlen = strlen(nameFound);
	return pdir;

struct dirent*	readdir(DIR* dir)
	char nameFound[MAX_PATH+1];
	static struct dirent dummy;
	if(dir->dd_stat == 0)
		dummy.d_name = ".";
		dummy.d_namlen = 1;
		dir->dd_stat ++;
		return &dummy;
	else if(dir->dd_stat == 1)
		dummy.d_name = "..";
		dummy.d_namlen = 2;
		dir->dd_stat ++;
		return &dummy;
	else if(dir->dd_stat == 2)
		return &dir->dd_dir;
		if(FindNextFile((HANDLE)dir->dd_handle, &wfd) == 0)
			dir->dd_stat = -1;
			return NULL;
		WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wfd.cFileName, -1, nameFound, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL);
		dir->dd_dir.d_name = strdup(nameFound);
		dir->dd_dir.d_namlen = strlen(nameFound);
		dir->dd_stat ++;
		return &dir->dd_dir;

int closedir(DIR* dir)
	if(dir == NULL)
		return 0;
	return 1;

/* Very limited implementation of stat. Used by UI.C, MEMORY-P.C (latter is not critical) */
int stat(const char *fname, struct stat *ss)
	TCHAR fnameUnc[MAX_PATH+1];
	HANDLE handle;
	int len;
	if(fname == NULL || ss == NULL)
		return -1;
	/* Special case (dummy on WinCE) */
	len = strlen(fname);
	if(len >= 2 && fname[len-1] == '.' && fname[len-2] == '.' &&
		(len == 2 || fname[len-3] == '\\'))
		/* That's everything implemented so far */
		memset(ss, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
		ss->st_size = 1024;
		ss->st_mode |= S_IFDIR;
		return 0;
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, fname, -1, fnameUnc, MAX_PATH);
	handle = FindFirstFile(fnameUnc, &wfd);
		return -1;
		/* That's everything implemented so far */
		memset(ss, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
		ss->st_size = wfd.nFileSizeLow;
		if(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
			ss->st_mode |= S_IFDIR;
	return 0;

/* Remove file by name */
int remove(const char* path)
	TCHAR pathUnc[MAX_PATH+1];
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, pathUnc, MAX_PATH);
	return !DeleteFile(pathUnc);

/* in our case unlink is the same as remove */
int unlink(const char* path)
	return remove(path);

/* Make directory, Unix style */
void mkdir(char* dirname, int mode)
	char  path[MAX_PATH+1];
	TCHAR pathUnc[MAX_PATH+1];
	char* ptr;
	strncpy(path, dirname, MAX_PATH);
	if(*path == '/')
		*path = '\\';
	/* Run through the string and attempt creating all subdirs on the path */
	for(ptr = path+1; *ptr; ptr ++)
		if(*ptr == '\\' || *ptr == '/')
			*ptr = 0;
			MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, pathUnc, MAX_PATH);
			CreateDirectory(pathUnc, 0);
			*ptr = '\\';
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, pathUnc, MAX_PATH);
	CreateDirectory(pathUnc, 0);

/* Used in DEVICES.C and UI.C for some purpose. Not critical in this port */
int system(const char* path) { return 0; }

char *tmpnam(char *string)
	static char buffer[MAX_PATH+1];
	GetTempFileName(TEXT("."), TEXT("A8_"), 0, pTemp);
	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pTemp, -1, buffer, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL);
		strcpy(string, buffer);
		return string;
		return buffer;

FILE *tmpfile()
	if(!GetTempFileName(TEXT("."), TEXT("A8_"), 0, pTemp))
		return _wfopen(pTemp, TEXT("w+b"));
		return 0;

void rewind(FILE *stream)
	fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET);

char *strdup(const char *strSource)
	char* buffer;
	buffer = (char*)malloc(strlen(strSource)+1);
		strcpy(buffer, strSource);
	return buffer;

/* Used in UI.C */
char cwd[MAX_PATH+1] = "";
char *getcwd(char *buffer, int maxlen)
	TCHAR fileUnc[MAX_PATH+1];
	char* plast;
	if(cwd[0] == 0)
		GetModuleFileName(NULL, fileUnc, MAX_PATH);
		WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, fileUnc, -1, cwd, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL);
		plast = strrchr(cwd, '\\');
			*plast = 0;
		/* Special trick to keep start menu clean... */
		if(_stricmp(cwd, "\\windows\\start menu") == 0)
			strcpy(cwd, "\\Apps");
		strncpy(buffer, cwd, maxlen);
	return cwd;

/* Limited implementation of time.h. time_t formula is possibly incorrect. */
time_t time(time_t* res)
	time_t t;
	t = (time_t)(((((((st.wYear-1970)*12+st.wMonth)*31+st.wDay)*7+st.wDayOfWeek)*24+st.wHour)*60+st.wMinute)*60+st.wSecond);
		*res = t;
	return t;

struct tm* localtime(time_t* timer)
	static struct tm tmLocalTime;
	unsigned long rem = *timer;
	tmLocalTime.tm_sec  = (short)(rem % 60);
	rem /= 60;
	tmLocalTime.tm_min  = (short)(rem % 60);
	rem /= 60;
	tmLocalTime.tm_hour = (short)(rem % 24);
	rem /= 24;
	tmLocalTime.tm_mday = (short)(rem % 7);
	rem /= 7;
	tmLocalTime.tm_mday = (short)(rem % 31);
	rem /= 31;
	tmLocalTime.tm_mon  = (short)(rem % 12);
	rem /= 12;
	tmLocalTime.tm_year = (short)(rem+1970);
	return &tmLocalTime;

/* Very limited implementation of sys/time.h */
void gettimeofday(struct timeval* tp, void* dummy)
	DWORD dt = GetTickCount();
	tp->tv_sec = dt/1000;
	tp->tv_usec = dt*1000;

void usleep(long usec)
	long msec = usec/1000;
	if(msec <= 0)

Windows CE fopen has non-standard behavior -- not
fully qualified paths refer to root folder rather
than current folder (concept not implemented in CE).
#undef fopen

FILE* wce_fopen(const char* fname, const char* fmode)
	char fullname[MAX_PATH+1];
	if(!fname || fname[0] == '\0')
		return NULL;
	if(fname[0] != '\\' && fname[0] != '/')
		getcwd(fullname, MAX_PATH);
		strncat(fullname, "\\", MAX_PATH-strlen(fullname)-1);
		strncat(fullname, fname, MAX_PATH-strlen(fullname)-strlen(fname));
		return fopen(fullname, fmode);
		return fopen(fname, fmode);

/* This may provide for better sync mechanism */
unsigned int clock()
	return GetTickCount();

/* And why do people use this? */
void abort()

IMHO, no project should use this one, it is not portable at all. This implementation
at least allows some projects to work.
char* getenv(char* name)
	static char buffer[MAX_PATH+1];
	if(strcmp(name, "HOME") == 0 || strcmp(name, "HOMEDIR") == 0)
		getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH);
		return buffer;
		return "";

--- NEW FILE: signal.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */
/* Functionality is not critical -- Pocket PC devices do not have Ctrl+C */
#define signal(a,b)

--- NEW FILE: time.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */

#ifndef A800_TIME_H
#define A800_TIME_H

#include <stdlib.h>

struct tm
	short tm_year;
	short tm_mon;
	short tm_mday;
	short tm_wday;
	short tm_hour;
	short tm_min;
	short tm_sec;

time_t time(time_t* dummy);
struct tm* localtime(time_t* dummy);

unsigned int clock();


--- NEW FILE: unistd.h ---
/* Header is not present in Windows CE SDK */

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