[Scummvm-cvs-logs] SF.net SVN: scummvm:[35049] scummvm/trunk

tanoku at users.sourceforge.net tanoku at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Nov 13 20:58:04 CET 2008

Revision: 35049
Author:   tanoku
Date:     2008-11-13 19:58:04 +0000 (Thu, 13 Nov 2008)

Log Message:
Moved binary theme parser to tools folder.

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: scummvm/trunk/gui/themes/themeparser.py
--- scummvm/trunk/gui/themes/themeparser.py	2008-11-13 19:56:26 UTC (rev 35048)
+++ scummvm/trunk/gui/themes/themeparser.py	2008-11-13 19:58:04 UTC (rev 35049)
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
- " ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
- "
- " ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- " are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- " file distributed with this source distribution.
- "
- " This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- " modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- " as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- " of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- "
- " This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- " GNU General Public License for more details.
- "
- " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- " along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- " Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- "
- " $URL$
- " $Id$
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import os
-import xml.dom.minidom as DOM
-import struct
-class STXBinaryFile:
-	class InvalidRGBColor(Exception):
-		pass
-	class InvalidResolution(Exception):
-		pass
-		"palette" 	: 0x0100000A,
-		"bitmaps" 	: 0x0100000B,
-		"fonts"		: 0x0100000C,
-		"defaults"	: 0x0100000D,
-		"cursor"	: 0x0100000E,
-		"drawdata"	: 0x0100000F
-	}
-		"stroke", 		"shadow", 	
-		"bevel", 		"factor", 
-		"fg_color", 	"bg_color",	
-		"fill",			"gradient_start", 
-		"gradient_end", "bevel_color", 
-		"gradient_factor", 
-	]
-		"func",		"radius", 	"width", 	"height", 
-		"xpos", 	"ypos", 	"file",		"orientation",
-	def __init__(self, themeName, autoLoad = True, verbose = False):
-		self._themeName = themeName
-		self._stxFiles = []
-		self._verbose = verbose
-		if autoLoad:
-			if not os.path.isdir(themeName) or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(themeName, "THEMERC")):
-				raise IOError
-			for filename in os.listdir(themeName):
-				filename = os.path.join(themeName, filename)
-				if os.path.isfile(filename) and filename.endswith('.stx'):
-					self._stxFiles.append(filename)
-	def debug(self, text):
-		if self._verbose: print text
-	def debugBinary(self, data):
-		if self._verbose:
-			print "BINARY OUTPUT (%d bytes):" % len(data), " ".join(["%0.2X" % ord(c) for c in data])
-	def addSTXFile(self, filename):
-		if not os.path.isfile(filename):
-			raise IOError
-		else:
-			self._stxFiles.append(filename) 
-	def parse(self):
-		if not self._stxFiles:
-			self.debug("No files have been loaded for parsing on the theme.")
-			raise IOError
-		for f in self._stxFiles:
-			self.debug("Parsing %s." % f)
-			with open(f) as stxFile:
-				self.__parseFile(stxFile)
-	def __parseFile(self, xmlFile):
-		stxDom = DOM.parse(xmlFile)
-		for layout in stxDom.getElementsByTagName("layout_info"):
-			self.__parseLayout(layout)
-		for render in stxDom.getElementsByTagName("render_info"):
-			self.__parseRender(render)
-		stxDom.unlink()
-	def __parseDrawStep(self, drawstepDom, localDefaults = {}):
-		triangleOrientations = {"top" : 0x1, "bottom" : 0x2, "left" : 0x3, "right" : 0x4}
-		fillModes = {"none" : 0x0, "foreground" : 0x1, "background" : 0x2, "gradient" : 0x3}
-		vectorAlign = {"left" : 0x1, "right" : 0x2, "bottom" : 0x3, "top" : 0x4, "center" : 0x5}
-		functions = {
-			"void" : 0x0, "circle" : 0x1, "square" : 0x2, "roundedsq" : 0x3, "bevelsq" : 0x4, 
-	   		"line" : 0x5, "triangle" : 0x6, "fill" : 0x7, "tab" : 0x8, "bitmap" : 0x9, "cross" : 0xA
-		}
-		parseAttribute = {
-			"stroke" 			: int,
-			"bevel" 			: int,
-			"shadow" 			: int,
-			"gradient_factor" 	: int,
-			"fg_color"			: self.__parseColor,
-			"bg_color"			: self.__parseColor,
-			"gradient_start"	: self.__parseColor,
-			"gradient_end"		: self.__parseColor,
-			"bevel_color"		: self.__parseColor,
-			"radius"			: lambda r: 0xFF if r == 'auto' else int(r),
-			"file"				: str,
-			"orientation"		: lambda o: triangleOrientations[o],
-			"fill"				: lambda f: fillModes[f],
-			"func"				: lambda f: functions[f],
-			"width"				: lambda w: -1 if w == 'height' else 0 if w == 'auto' else int(w),
-			"height"			: lambda h: -1 if h == 'width' else 0 if h == 'auto' else int(h),
-			"xpos"				: lambda pos: vectorAlign[pos] if pos in vectorAlign else int(pos),
-			"ypos"				: lambda pos: vectorAlign[pos] if pos in vectorAlign else int(pos),
-		}
-		dstable = {}
-		attributes = []
-		if drawstepDom.tagName == "defaults":
-			isGlobal = drawstepDom.parentNode.tagName == "render_info"
-			for attr in self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT_DEF:
-				if drawstepDom.hasAttribute(attr):
-					self.debug("P: %s <= '%s'" % (attr, drawstepDom.getAttribute(attr)))
-					dstable[attr] = parseAttribute[attr](drawstepDom.getAttribute(attr))
-				elif isGlobal:
-					dstable[attr] = 0x0
-		else:
-			for attr in self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT:
-				if drawstepDom.hasAttribute(attr):
-					self.debug("P: %s <= '%s'" % (attr, drawstepDom.getAttribute(attr)))
-					dstable[attr] = parseAttribute[attr](drawstepDom.getAttribute(attr))
-				elif attr in self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT_DEF:
-					dstable[attr] = localDefaults[attr] if attr in localDefaults else self._globalDefaults[attr]
-				else:
-					dstable[attr] = 0x0
-		return dstable
-	def __parseDrawStepToBin(self, stepDict, isDefault):
-			"stroke" : "B",		"shadow" 	: "B", 		"bevel" 	: "B", 
-			"factor" : "B", 	"fg_color" 	: "BBB", 	"bg_color" 	: "BBB",
-			"fill" 	 : "B", 	"func" 		: "B", 		"radius" 	: "i", 
-			"width"  : "i", 	"height" 	: "i",		"xpos" 		: "i", 
-			"ypos" 	 : "i", 	"orientation" : "B", 	"file" 		: "B%ds",
-			"gradient_start" 	: "BBB",	"gradient_end" 		: "BBB", 
-			"bevel_color" 		: "BBB",	"gradient_factor" 	: "B", 
-		}
-		packLayout = ""
-		packData = []
-		attributes = self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT_DEF if isDefault else self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT
-		for attr in attributes:
-			layout = DRAWSTEP_BININFO[attr]
-			data = stepDict[attr]
-			if layout == "B%ds":
-				packLayout += layout % (len(data) + 1)
-				packData.append(len(data))
-				packData.append(data)
-			else:
-				packLayout += stepDict[attr]
-				if isinstance(data, tuple):
-					for d in data:
-						packData.append(d)
-				else:
-					packData.append(data)
-		stepBin = struct.pack(packLayout, *tuple(packData))
-		self.debugBinary(stepBin)
-		return stepBin
-	def __parseResolutionToBin(self, resString):
-		"""
-			/b bII bII bII/
-			b => number of resolution sections
-			bII => exclude byte, X resolution, Y resolution
-		"""
-		if resString == "":
-			return struct.pack("bbII", 1, 0, 0, 0)
-		resolutions = resString.split(", ")
-		packFormat = "b" + "bII" * len(resolutions)
-		packData = [len(resolutions)]
-		for res in resolutions:
-			exclude = 0
-			if res[0] == '-':
-				exclude = 1
-				res = res[1:]
-			try:
-				x, y = res.split('x')
-				x = 0 if x == 'X' else int(x)
-				y = 0 if y == 'Y' else int(y)
-			except ValueError:
-				raise InvalidResolution
-			packData.append(exclude)
-			packData.append(x)
-			packData.append(y)
-		buff = struct.pack(packFormat, *tuple(packData))
-		self.debug("Pack format: %s => %s" % (packFormat, str(packData)))
-		self.debugBinary(buff)
-		return buff
-	def __parseRGBToBin(self, color):
-		"""
-			/BBB/
-			B => red color byte
-			B => green color byte
-			B => blue color byte
-		"""
-		try:
-			rgb = tuple(map(int, color.split(", ")))
-		except ValueError:
-			raise self.InvalidRGBColor
-		if len(rgb) != 3:
-			raise self.InvalidRGBColor
-		for c in rgb:
-			if c < 0 or c > 255:
-				raise self.InvalidRGBColor
-		rgb = struct.pack("BBB", *tuple(rgb))
-		self.debugBinary(rgb)
-		return rgb
-	def __parseColor(self, color):
-		try:
-			color = self.__parseRGBToBin(color)
-		except self.InvalidRGBColor:
-			if color not in self._colors:
-				raise self.InvalidRGBColor
-			color = self._colors[color]
-		return color
-	def __parsePalette(self, paletteDom):
-		self._colors = {}		
-		for color in paletteDom.getElementsByTagName("color"):
-			color_name = color.getAttribute('name')
-			color_rgb = self.__parseRGBToBin(color.getAttribute('rgb'))
-			self._colors[color_name] = color_rgb
-			self.debug("COLOR: %s" % (color_name))
-	def __parseBitmaps(self, bitmapsDom):
-		self._bitmaps = []
-		for bitmap in bitmapsDom.getElementsByTagName("bitmap"):
-			bmpName = bitmap.getAttribute("filename")
-			resolution = self.__parseResolutionToBin(bitmap.getAttribute("resolution"))
-			self._bitmaps.append((bmpName, resolution))
-			self.debug("BITMAP: %s" % bmpName)
-	def __parseFonts(self, fontsDom):
-		self._fonts = []
-		for font in fontsDom.getElementsByTagName("font"):
-			ident = font.getAttribute("id")
-			color = self.__parseColor(font.getAttribute("color"))
-			filename = font.getAttribute("file")
-			resolution = self.__parseResolutionToBin(font.getAttribute("resolution"))
-			self.debug("FONT: %s @ %s" % (ident, filename))
-			self._fonts.append((ident, filename, color, resolution))
-	def __parseDrawData(self, ddDom):
-		for ds in ddDom.getElementsByTagName("drawstep"):
-			dstable = self.__parseDrawStep(ds)
-			print dstable
-	def __parseLayout(self, layoutDom):
-	def __parseRender(self, renderDom):
-		paletteDom = renderDom.getElementsByTagName("palette")[0]
-		bitmapsDom = renderDom.getElementsByTagName("bitmaps")[0]
-		fontsDom = renderDom.getElementsByTagName("fonts")[0]
-		defaultsDom = renderDom.getElementsByTagName("defaults")[0]
-		self.__parsePalette(paletteDom)
-		self.__parseBitmaps(bitmapsDom)
-		self.__parseFonts(fontsDom)
-		self._globalDefaults = self.__parseDrawStep(defaultsDom)
-		for dd in renderDom.getElementsByTagName("drawdata"):
-			self.__parseDrawData(dd)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	bin = STXBinaryFile('scummmodern', True, True)
-	bin.parse()
\ No newline at end of file

Copied: scummvm/trunk/tools/themeparser.py (from rev 35048, scummvm/trunk/gui/themes/themeparser.py)
--- scummvm/trunk/tools/themeparser.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ scummvm/trunk/tools/themeparser.py	2008-11-13 19:58:04 UTC (rev 35049)
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+ " ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ "
+ " ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ " are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ " file distributed with this source distribution.
+ "
+ " This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ " modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ " as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ " of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ "
+ " This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ " GNU General Public License for more details.
+ "
+ " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ " along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ " Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ "
+ " $URL$
+ " $Id$
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import os
+import xml.dom.minidom as DOM
+import struct
+class STXBinaryFile:
+	class InvalidRGBColor(Exception):
+		pass
+	class InvalidResolution(Exception):
+		pass
+		"palette" 	: 0x0100000A,
+		"bitmaps" 	: 0x0100000B,
+		"fonts"		: 0x0100000C,
+		"defaults"	: 0x0100000D,
+		"cursor"	: 0x0100000E,
+		"drawdata"	: 0x0100000F
+	}
+		"stroke", 		"shadow", 	
+		"bevel", 		"factor", 
+		"fg_color", 	"bg_color",	
+		"fill",			"gradient_start", 
+		"gradient_end", "bevel_color", 
+		"gradient_factor", 
+	]
+		"func",		"radius", 	"width", 	"height", 
+		"xpos", 	"ypos", 	"file",		"orientation",
+	def __init__(self, themeName, autoLoad = True, verbose = False):
+		self._themeName = themeName
+		self._stxFiles = []
+		self._verbose = verbose
+		if autoLoad:
+			if not os.path.isdir(themeName) or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(themeName, "THEMERC")):
+				raise IOError
+			for filename in os.listdir(themeName):
+				filename = os.path.join(themeName, filename)
+				if os.path.isfile(filename) and filename.endswith('.stx'):
+					self._stxFiles.append(filename)
+	def debug(self, text):
+		if self._verbose: print text
+	def debugBinary(self, data):
+		if self._verbose:
+			print "BINARY OUTPUT (%d bytes):" % len(data), " ".join(["%0.2X" % ord(c) for c in data])
+	def addSTXFile(self, filename):
+		if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+			raise IOError
+		else:
+			self._stxFiles.append(filename) 
+	def parse(self):
+		if not self._stxFiles:
+			self.debug("No files have been loaded for parsing on the theme.")
+			raise IOError
+		for f in self._stxFiles:
+			self.debug("Parsing %s." % f)
+			with open(f) as stxFile:
+				self.__parseFile(stxFile)
+	def __parseFile(self, xmlFile):
+		stxDom = DOM.parse(xmlFile)
+		for layout in stxDom.getElementsByTagName("layout_info"):
+			self.__parseLayout(layout)
+		for render in stxDom.getElementsByTagName("render_info"):
+			self.__parseRender(render)
+		stxDom.unlink()
+	def __parseDrawStep(self, drawstepDom, localDefaults = {}):
+		triangleOrientations = {"top" : 0x1, "bottom" : 0x2, "left" : 0x3, "right" : 0x4}
+		fillModes = {"none" : 0x0, "foreground" : 0x1, "background" : 0x2, "gradient" : 0x3}
+		vectorAlign = {"left" : 0x1, "right" : 0x2, "bottom" : 0x3, "top" : 0x4, "center" : 0x5}
+		functions = {
+			"void" : 0x0, "circle" : 0x1, "square" : 0x2, "roundedsq" : 0x3, "bevelsq" : 0x4, 
+	   		"line" : 0x5, "triangle" : 0x6, "fill" : 0x7, "tab" : 0x8, "bitmap" : 0x9, "cross" : 0xA
+		}
+		parseAttribute = {
+			"stroke" 			: int,
+			"bevel" 			: int,
+			"shadow" 			: int,
+			"gradient_factor" 	: int,
+			"fg_color"			: self.__parseColor,
+			"bg_color"			: self.__parseColor,
+			"gradient_start"	: self.__parseColor,
+			"gradient_end"		: self.__parseColor,
+			"bevel_color"		: self.__parseColor,
+			"radius"			: lambda r: 0xFF if r == 'auto' else int(r),
+			"file"				: str,
+			"orientation"		: lambda o: triangleOrientations[o],
+			"fill"				: lambda f: fillModes[f],
+			"func"				: lambda f: functions[f],
+			"width"				: lambda w: -1 if w == 'height' else 0 if w == 'auto' else int(w),
+			"height"			: lambda h: -1 if h == 'width' else 0 if h == 'auto' else int(h),
+			"xpos"				: lambda pos: vectorAlign[pos] if pos in vectorAlign else int(pos),
+			"ypos"				: lambda pos: vectorAlign[pos] if pos in vectorAlign else int(pos),
+		}
+		dstable = {}
+		attributes = []
+		if drawstepDom.tagName == "defaults":
+			isGlobal = drawstepDom.parentNode.tagName == "render_info"
+			for attr in self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT_DEF:
+				if drawstepDom.hasAttribute(attr):
+					self.debug("P: %s <= '%s'" % (attr, drawstepDom.getAttribute(attr)))
+					dstable[attr] = parseAttribute[attr](drawstepDom.getAttribute(attr))
+				elif isGlobal:
+					dstable[attr] = 0x0
+		else:
+			for attr in self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT:
+				if drawstepDom.hasAttribute(attr):
+					self.debug("P: %s <= '%s'" % (attr, drawstepDom.getAttribute(attr)))
+					dstable[attr] = parseAttribute[attr](drawstepDom.getAttribute(attr))
+				elif attr in self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT_DEF:
+					dstable[attr] = localDefaults[attr] if attr in localDefaults else self._globalDefaults[attr]
+				else:
+					dstable[attr] = 0x0
+		return dstable
+	def __parseDrawStepToBin(self, stepDict, isDefault):
+			"stroke" : "B",		"shadow" 	: "B", 		"bevel" 	: "B", 
+			"factor" : "B", 	"fg_color" 	: "BBB", 	"bg_color" 	: "BBB",
+			"fill" 	 : "B", 	"func" 		: "B", 		"radius" 	: "i", 
+			"width"  : "i", 	"height" 	: "i",		"xpos" 		: "i", 
+			"ypos" 	 : "i", 	"orientation" : "B", 	"file" 		: "B%ds",
+			"gradient_start" 	: "BBB",	"gradient_end" 		: "BBB", 
+			"bevel_color" 		: "BBB",	"gradient_factor" 	: "B", 
+		}
+		packLayout = ""
+		packData = []
+		attributes = self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT_DEF if isDefault else self.DRAWSTEP_FORMAT
+		for attr in attributes:
+			layout = DRAWSTEP_BININFO[attr]
+			data = stepDict[attr]
+			if layout == "B%ds":
+				packLayout += layout % (len(data) + 1)
+				packData.append(len(data))
+				packData.append(data)
+			else:
+				packLayout += stepDict[attr]
+				if isinstance(data, tuple):
+					for d in data:
+						packData.append(d)
+				else:
+					packData.append(data)
+		stepBin = struct.pack(packLayout, *tuple(packData))
+		self.debugBinary(stepBin)
+		return stepBin
+	def __parseResolutionToBin(self, resString):
+		"""
+			/b bII bII bII/
+			b => number of resolution sections
+			bII => exclude byte, X resolution, Y resolution
+		"""
+		if resString == "":
+			return struct.pack("bbII", 1, 0, 0, 0)
+		resolutions = resString.split(", ")
+		packFormat = "b" + "bII" * len(resolutions)
+		packData = [len(resolutions)]
+		for res in resolutions:
+			exclude = 0
+			if res[0] == '-':
+				exclude = 1
+				res = res[1:]
+			try:
+				x, y = res.split('x')
+				x = 0 if x == 'X' else int(x)
+				y = 0 if y == 'Y' else int(y)
+			except ValueError:
+				raise InvalidResolution
+			packData.append(exclude)
+			packData.append(x)
+			packData.append(y)
+		buff = struct.pack(packFormat, *tuple(packData))
+		self.debug("Pack format: %s => %s" % (packFormat, str(packData)))
+		self.debugBinary(buff)
+		return buff
+	def __parseRGBToBin(self, color):
+		"""
+			/BBB/
+			B => red color byte
+			B => green color byte
+			B => blue color byte
+		"""
+		try:
+			rgb = tuple(map(int, color.split(", ")))
+		except ValueError:
+			raise self.InvalidRGBColor
+		if len(rgb) != 3:
+			raise self.InvalidRGBColor
+		for c in rgb:
+			if c < 0 or c > 255:
+				raise self.InvalidRGBColor
+		rgb = struct.pack("BBB", *tuple(rgb))
+		self.debugBinary(rgb)
+		return rgb
+	def __parseColor(self, color):
+		try:
+			color = self.__parseRGBToBin(color)
+		except self.InvalidRGBColor:
+			if color not in self._colors:
+				raise self.InvalidRGBColor
+			color = self._colors[color]
+		return color
+	def __parsePalette(self, paletteDom):
+		self._colors = {}		
+		for color in paletteDom.getElementsByTagName("color"):
+			color_name = color.getAttribute('name')
+			color_rgb = self.__parseRGBToBin(color.getAttribute('rgb'))
+			self._colors[color_name] = color_rgb
+			self.debug("COLOR: %s" % (color_name))
+	def __parseBitmaps(self, bitmapsDom):
+		self._bitmaps = []
+		for bitmap in bitmapsDom.getElementsByTagName("bitmap"):
+			bmpName = bitmap.getAttribute("filename")
+			resolution = self.__parseResolutionToBin(bitmap.getAttribute("resolution"))
+			self._bitmaps.append((bmpName, resolution))
+			self.debug("BITMAP: %s" % bmpName)
+	def __parseFonts(self, fontsDom):
+		self._fonts = []
+		for font in fontsDom.getElementsByTagName("font"):
+			ident = font.getAttribute("id")
+			color = self.__parseColor(font.getAttribute("color"))
+			filename = font.getAttribute("file")
+			resolution = self.__parseResolutionToBin(font.getAttribute("resolution"))
+			self.debug("FONT: %s @ %s" % (ident, filename))
+			self._fonts.append((ident, filename, color, resolution))
+	def __parseDrawData(self, ddDom):
+		for ds in ddDom.getElementsByTagName("drawstep"):
+			dstable = self.__parseDrawStep(ds)
+			print dstable
+	def __parseLayout(self, layoutDom):
+	def __parseRender(self, renderDom):
+		paletteDom = renderDom.getElementsByTagName("palette")[0]
+		bitmapsDom = renderDom.getElementsByTagName("bitmaps")[0]
+		fontsDom = renderDom.getElementsByTagName("fonts")[0]
+		defaultsDom = renderDom.getElementsByTagName("defaults")[0]
+		self.__parsePalette(paletteDom)
+		self.__parseBitmaps(bitmapsDom)
+		self.__parseFonts(fontsDom)
+		self._globalDefaults = self.__parseDrawStep(defaultsDom)
+		for dd in renderDom.getElementsByTagName("drawdata"):
+			self.__parseDrawData(dd)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	bin = STXBinaryFile('scummmodern', True, True)
+	bin.parse()
\ No newline at end of file

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