[Scummvm-cvs-logs] scummvm master -> 34ec4ed6b51b81afa012543040951091ee1208ee

clone2727 clone2727 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 1 23:38:30 CET 2015

This automated email contains information about 1 new commit which have been
pushed to the 'scummvm' repo located at https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm .

34ec4ed6b5 ZVISION: Really fix truetype_font.cpp newlines

Commit: 34ec4ed6b51b81afa012543040951091ee1208ee
Author: Matthew Hoops (clone2727 at gmail.com)
Date: 2015-01-01T17:36:12-05:00

Commit Message:
ZVISION: Really fix truetype_font.cpp newlines

They are now all LF.

Changed paths:

diff --git a/engines/zvision/text/truetype_font.cpp b/engines/zvision/text/truetype_font.cpp
index e378ccd..622a02a 100644
--- a/engines/zvision/text/truetype_font.cpp
+++ b/engines/zvision/text/truetype_font.cpp
@@ -1,228 +1,228 @@
-/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
- *
- * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
-#include "common/scummsys.h"
-#include "common/config-manager.h"
-#include "common/debug.h"
-#include "common/file.h"
-#include "common/system.h"
-#include "common/unzip.h"
-#include "graphics/font.h"
-#include "graphics/fonts/ttf.h"
-#include "graphics/surface.h"
-#include "zvision/zvision.h"
-#include "zvision/graphics/render_manager.h"
-#include "zvision/text/truetype_font.h"
-namespace ZVision {
-StyledTTFont::StyledTTFont(ZVision *engine) {
-	_engine = engine;
-	_style = 0;
-	_font = NULL;
-	_lineHeight = 0;
-StyledTTFont::~StyledTTFont() {
-	if (_font)
-		delete _font;
-bool StyledTTFont::loadFont(const Common::String &fontName, int32 point, uint style) {
-	_style = style;
-	return loadFont(fontName, point);
-bool StyledTTFont::loadFont(const Common::String &fontName, int32 point) {
-	struct FontStyle {
-		const char *zorkFont;
-		const char *fontBase;
-		const char *freeFontBase;
-		const char *freeFontItalicName;
-	};
-	const FontStyle systemFonts[] = {
-		{ "*times new roman*",    "times",   "FreeSerif", "Italic"  },
-		{ "*times*",              "times",   "FreeSerif", "Italic"  },
-		{ "*century schoolbook*", "censcbk", "FreeSerif", "Italic"  },
-		{ "*garamond*",           "gara",    "FreeSerif", "Italic"  },
-		{ "*courier new*",        "cour",    "FreeMono",  "Oblique" },
-		{ "*courier*",            "cour",    "FreeMono",  "Oblique" },
-		{ "*ZorkDeath*",          "cour",    "FreeMono",  "Oblique" },
-		{ "*arial*",              "arial",   "FreeSans",  "Oblique" },
-		{ "*ZorkNormal*",         "arial",   "FreeSans",  "Oblique" },
-	};
-	Common::String newFontName;
-	Common::String freeFontName;
-	for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(systemFonts); i++) {
-		if (fontName.matchString(systemFonts[i].zorkFont, true)) {
-			newFontName = systemFonts[i].fontBase;
-			freeFontName = systemFonts[i].freeFontBase;
-			if ((_style & STTF_BOLD) && (_style & STTF_ITALIC)) {
-				newFontName += "bi";
-				freeFontName += "Bold";
-				freeFontName += systemFonts[i].freeFontItalicName;
-			} else if (_style & STTF_BOLD) {
-				newFontName += "bd";
-				freeFontName += "Bold";
-			} else if (_style & STTF_ITALIC) {
-				newFontName += "i";
-				freeFontName += systemFonts[i].freeFontItalicName;
-			}
-			newFontName += ".ttf";
-			freeFontName += ".ttf";
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (newFontName.empty()) {
-		debug("Could not identify font: %s. Reverting to Arial", fontName.c_str());
-		newFontName = "arial.ttf";
-		freeFontName = "FreeSans.ttf";
-	}
-	bool sharp = (_style & STTF_SHARP) == STTF_SHARP;
-	Common::File file;
-	if (!file.open(newFontName) && !file.open(freeFontName) && !_engine->getSearchManager()->openFile(file, newFontName) && !_engine->getSearchManager()->openFile(file, freeFontName))
-		error("Unable to open font file %s (free alternative: %s)", newFontName.c_str(), freeFontName.c_str());
-	Graphics::Font *_newFont = Graphics::loadTTFFont(file, point, 60, (sharp ? Graphics::kTTFRenderModeMonochrome : Graphics::kTTFRenderModeNormal)); // 66 dpi for 640 x 480 on 14" display
-	if (_newFont) {
-		if (!_font)
-			delete _font;
-		_font = _newFont;
-	}
-	_fntName = fontName;
-	_lineHeight = point;
-	if (_font)
-		return true;
-	return false;
-void StyledTTFont::setStyle(uint newStyle) {
-	if ((_style & (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC | STTF_SHARP)) != (newStyle & (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC | STTF_SHARP))) {
-		_style = newStyle;
-		loadFont(_fntName, _lineHeight);
-	} else {
-		_style = newStyle;
-	}
-int StyledTTFont::getFontHeight() {
-	if (_font)
-		return _font->getFontHeight();
-	return 0;
-int StyledTTFont::getMaxCharWidth() {
-	if (_font)
-		return _font->getMaxCharWidth();
-	return 0;
-int StyledTTFont::getCharWidth(byte chr) {
-	if (_font)
-		return _font->getCharWidth(chr);
-	return 0;
-int StyledTTFont::getKerningOffset(byte left, byte right) {
-	if (_font)
-		return _font->getKerningOffset(left, right);
-	return 0;
-void StyledTTFont::drawChar(Graphics::Surface *dst, byte chr, int x, int y, uint32 color) {
-	if (_font) {
-		_font->drawChar(dst, chr, x, y, color);
-		if (_style & STTF_UNDERLINE) {
-			int16 pos = floor(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.87);
-			int thk = MAX((int)(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.05), 1);
-			dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(x, y + pos, x + _font->getCharWidth(chr), y + pos + thk), color);
-		}
-		if (_style & STTF_STRIKEOUT) {
-			int16 pos = floor(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.60);
-			int thk = MAX((int)(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.05), 1);
-			dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(x, y + pos, x + _font->getCharWidth(chr), y + pos + thk), color);
-		}
-	}
-void StyledTTFont::drawString(Graphics::Surface *dst, const Common::String &str, int x, int y, int w, uint32 color, Graphics::TextAlign align) {
-	if (_font) {
-		_font->drawString(dst, str, x, y, w, color, align);
-		if (_style & STTF_UNDERLINE) {
-			int16 pos = floor(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.87);
-			int16 wd = MIN(_font->getStringWidth(str), w);
-			int16 stX = x;
-			if (align == Graphics::kTextAlignCenter)
-				stX += (w - wd) / 2;
-			else if (align == Graphics::kTextAlignRight)
-				stX += (w - wd);
-			int thk = MAX((int)(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.05), 1);
-			dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(stX, y + pos, stX + wd, y + pos + thk), color);
-		}
-		if (_style & STTF_STRIKEOUT) {
-			int16 pos = floor(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.60);
-			int16 wd = MIN(_font->getStringWidth(str), w);
-			int16 stX = x;
-			if (align == Graphics::kTextAlignCenter)
-				stX += (w - wd) / 2;
-			else if (align == Graphics::kTextAlignRight)
-				stX += (w - wd);
-			int thk = MAX((int)(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.05), 1);
-			dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(stX, y + pos, stX + wd, y + pos + thk), color);
-		}
-	}
-int StyledTTFont::getStringWidth(const Common::String &str) {
-	if (_font)
-		return _font->getStringWidth(str);
-	return 0;
-Graphics::Surface *StyledTTFont::renderSolidText(const Common::String &str, uint32 color) {
-	Graphics::Surface *tmp = new Graphics::Surface;
-	if (_font) {
-		int16 w = _font->getStringWidth(str);
-		if (w && w < 1024) {
-			tmp->create(w, _font->getFontHeight(), _engine->_resourcePixelFormat);
-			drawString(tmp, str, 0, 0, w, color);
-		}
-	}
-	return tmp;
-} // End of namespace ZVision
+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "common/scummsys.h"
+#include "common/config-manager.h"
+#include "common/debug.h"
+#include "common/file.h"
+#include "common/system.h"
+#include "common/unzip.h"
+#include "graphics/font.h"
+#include "graphics/fonts/ttf.h"
+#include "graphics/surface.h"
+#include "zvision/zvision.h"
+#include "zvision/graphics/render_manager.h"
+#include "zvision/text/truetype_font.h"
+namespace ZVision {
+StyledTTFont::StyledTTFont(ZVision *engine) {
+	_engine = engine;
+	_style = 0;
+	_font = NULL;
+	_lineHeight = 0;
+StyledTTFont::~StyledTTFont() {
+	if (_font)
+		delete _font;
+bool StyledTTFont::loadFont(const Common::String &fontName, int32 point, uint style) {
+	_style = style;
+	return loadFont(fontName, point);
+bool StyledTTFont::loadFont(const Common::String &fontName, int32 point) {
+	struct FontStyle {
+		const char *zorkFont;
+		const char *fontBase;
+		const char *freeFontBase;
+		const char *freeFontItalicName;
+	};
+	const FontStyle systemFonts[] = {
+		{ "*times new roman*",	  "times",   "FreeSerif", "Italic"  },
+		{ "*times*",		  "times",   "FreeSerif", "Italic"  },
+		{ "*century schoolbook*", "censcbk", "FreeSerif", "Italic"  },
+		{ "*garamond*", 	  "gara",    "FreeSerif", "Italic"  },
+		{ "*courier new*",	  "cour",    "FreeMono",  "Oblique" },
+		{ "*courier*",		  "cour",    "FreeMono",  "Oblique" },
+		{ "*ZorkDeath*",	  "cour",    "FreeMono",  "Oblique" },
+		{ "*arial*",		  "arial",   "FreeSans",  "Oblique" },
+		{ "*ZorkNormal*",	  "arial",   "FreeSans",  "Oblique" },
+	};
+	Common::String newFontName;
+	Common::String freeFontName;
+	for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(systemFonts); i++) {
+		if (fontName.matchString(systemFonts[i].zorkFont, true)) {
+			newFontName = systemFonts[i].fontBase;
+			freeFontName = systemFonts[i].freeFontBase;
+			if ((_style & STTF_BOLD) && (_style & STTF_ITALIC)) {
+				newFontName += "bi";
+				freeFontName += "Bold";
+				freeFontName += systemFonts[i].freeFontItalicName;
+			} else if (_style & STTF_BOLD) {
+				newFontName += "bd";
+				freeFontName += "Bold";
+			} else if (_style & STTF_ITALIC) {
+				newFontName += "i";
+				freeFontName += systemFonts[i].freeFontItalicName;
+			}
+			newFontName += ".ttf";
+			freeFontName += ".ttf";
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (newFontName.empty()) {
+		debug("Could not identify font: %s. Reverting to Arial", fontName.c_str());
+		newFontName = "arial.ttf";
+		freeFontName = "FreeSans.ttf";
+	}
+	bool sharp = (_style & STTF_SHARP) == STTF_SHARP;
+	Common::File file;
+	if (!file.open(newFontName) && !file.open(freeFontName) && !_engine->getSearchManager()->openFile(file, newFontName) && !_engine->getSearchManager()->openFile(file, freeFontName))
+		error("Unable to open font file %s (free alternative: %s)", newFontName.c_str(), freeFontName.c_str());
+	Graphics::Font *_newFont = Graphics::loadTTFFont(file, point, 60, (sharp ? Graphics::kTTFRenderModeMonochrome : Graphics::kTTFRenderModeNormal)); // 66 dpi for 640 x 480 on 14" display
+	if (_newFont) {
+		if (!_font)
+			delete _font;
+		_font = _newFont;
+	}
+	_fntName = fontName;
+	_lineHeight = point;
+	if (_font)
+		return true;
+	return false;
+void StyledTTFont::setStyle(uint newStyle) {
+	if ((_style & (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC | STTF_SHARP)) != (newStyle & (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC | STTF_SHARP))) {
+		_style = newStyle;
+		loadFont(_fntName, _lineHeight);
+	} else {
+		_style = newStyle;
+	}
+int StyledTTFont::getFontHeight() {
+	if (_font)
+		return _font->getFontHeight();
+	return 0;
+int StyledTTFont::getMaxCharWidth() {
+	if (_font)
+		return _font->getMaxCharWidth();
+	return 0;
+int StyledTTFont::getCharWidth(byte chr) {
+	if (_font)
+		return _font->getCharWidth(chr);
+	return 0;
+int StyledTTFont::getKerningOffset(byte left, byte right) {
+	if (_font)
+		return _font->getKerningOffset(left, right);
+	return 0;
+void StyledTTFont::drawChar(Graphics::Surface *dst, byte chr, int x, int y, uint32 color) {
+	if (_font) {
+		_font->drawChar(dst, chr, x, y, color);
+		if (_style & STTF_UNDERLINE) {
+			int16 pos = floor(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.87);
+			int thk = MAX((int)(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.05), 1);
+			dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(x, y + pos, x + _font->getCharWidth(chr), y + pos + thk), color);
+		}
+		if (_style & STTF_STRIKEOUT) {
+			int16 pos = floor(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.60);
+			int thk = MAX((int)(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.05), 1);
+			dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(x, y + pos, x + _font->getCharWidth(chr), y + pos + thk), color);
+		}
+	}
+void StyledTTFont::drawString(Graphics::Surface *dst, const Common::String &str, int x, int y, int w, uint32 color, Graphics::TextAlign align) {
+	if (_font) {
+		_font->drawString(dst, str, x, y, w, color, align);
+		if (_style & STTF_UNDERLINE) {
+			int16 pos = floor(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.87);
+			int16 wd = MIN(_font->getStringWidth(str), w);
+			int16 stX = x;
+			if (align == Graphics::kTextAlignCenter)
+				stX += (w - wd) / 2;
+			else if (align == Graphics::kTextAlignRight)
+				stX += (w - wd);
+			int thk = MAX((int)(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.05), 1);
+			dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(stX, y + pos, stX + wd, y + pos + thk), color);
+		}
+		if (_style & STTF_STRIKEOUT) {
+			int16 pos = floor(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.60);
+			int16 wd = MIN(_font->getStringWidth(str), w);
+			int16 stX = x;
+			if (align == Graphics::kTextAlignCenter)
+				stX += (w - wd) / 2;
+			else if (align == Graphics::kTextAlignRight)
+				stX += (w - wd);
+			int thk = MAX((int)(_font->getFontHeight() * 0.05), 1);
+			dst->fillRect(Common::Rect(stX, y + pos, stX + wd, y + pos + thk), color);
+		}
+	}
+int StyledTTFont::getStringWidth(const Common::String &str) {
+	if (_font)
+		return _font->getStringWidth(str);
+	return 0;
+Graphics::Surface *StyledTTFont::renderSolidText(const Common::String &str, uint32 color) {
+	Graphics::Surface *tmp = new Graphics::Surface;
+	if (_font) {
+		int16 w = _font->getStringWidth(str);
+		if (w && w < 1024) {
+			tmp->create(w, _font->getFontHeight(), _engine->_resourcePixelFormat);
+			drawString(tmp, str, 0, 0, w, color);
+		}
+	}
+	return tmp;
+} // End of namespace ZVision

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