[Scummvm-git-logs] scummvm master -> 2ba581cd86c8c8dd78d0c9dc19eee77cc9b02943

sev- sev at scummvm.org
Thu Mar 15 22:43:13 CET 2018

This automated email contains information about 1 new commit which have been
pushed to the 'scummvm' repo located at https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm .

2ba581cd86 BLADERUNNER: Added Lucy actor

Commit: 2ba581cd86c8c8dd78d0c9dc19eee77cc9b02943
Author: Eugene Sandulenko (sev at scummvm.org)
Date: 2018-03-15T22:43:02+01:00

Commit Message:
BLADERUNNER: Added Lucy actor

Changed paths:
  A engines/bladerunner/script/ai/lucy.cpp

diff --git a/engines/bladerunner/module.mk b/engines/bladerunner/module.mk
index 1c4c7c5..3dfdd81 100644
--- a/engines/bladerunner/module.mk
+++ b/engines/bladerunner/module.mk
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ MODULE_OBJS = \
 	script/ai/lance.o \
 	script/ai/leon.o \
 	script/ai/lockup_guard.o \
+	script/ai/lucy.o \
 	script/ai/maggie.o \
 	script/ai/male_announcer.o \
 	script/ai/marcus.o \
diff --git a/engines/bladerunner/script/ai/lucy.cpp b/engines/bladerunner/script/ai/lucy.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b9cc7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/bladerunner/script/ai/lucy.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "bladerunner/script/ai_script.h"
+namespace BladeRunner {
+AIScriptLucy::AIScriptLucy(BladeRunnerEngine *vm) : AIScriptBase(vm) {
+	_flag = 0;
+void AIScriptLucy::Initialize() {
+	_animationFrame = 0;
+	_animationState = 0;
+	_animationStateNext = 0;
+	_animationNext = 0;
+	_flag = 0;
+	Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 0);
+bool AIScriptLucy::Update() {
+	float x, y, z;
+	if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 3 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) < 200) {
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 200);
+	}
+	if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 230 && Player_Query_Current_Scene() == 37) {
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 233);
+	}
+	if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) < 300) {
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 300);
+	}
+	if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4
+			&& Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 599
+			&& Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorLucy) != 99) {
+		if (Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorLucy) != Player_Query_Current_Set()) {
+			Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetFreeSlotI);
+			Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(kActorLucy, 41, 0);
+		}
+	}
+	if (Game_Flag_Query(616) && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 201) {
+		Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetHF03);
+		Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(kActorLucy, 371, 156);
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 250);
+	}
+	if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) > 229
+			&& Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) < 239
+			&& Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) != 232
+			&& Player_Query_Current_Scene() == 37
+			&& Actor_Query_Which_Set_In(kActorLucy) == 40
+			&& !Game_Flag_Query(701)
+			&& Actor_Query_Inch_Distance_From_Actor(kActorLucy, kActorMcCoy) < 84
+			&& !Player_Query_Combat_Mode()
+			&& Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorLucy, kActorMcCoy) > 40) {
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 232);
+	}
+	if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 235) {
+		Actor_Query_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, &x, &y, &z);
+		if (z > -875.0f) {
+			Game_Flag_Set(586);
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 236);
+		}
+	}
+	if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 237) {
+		Actor_Query_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, &x, &y, &z);
+		if (x > 350.0f) {
+			Game_Flag_Set(585);
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 238);
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+void AIScriptLucy::TimerExpired(int timer) {
+	AI_Countdown_Timer_Reset(kActorLucy, 0);
+	if (!timer && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 205) {
+		if (Player_Query_Current_Scene() == 36) {
+			AI_Countdown_Timer_Start(kActorLucy, 0, 20);
+		} else {
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 200);
+		}
+	}
+void AIScriptLucy::CompletedMovementTrack() {
+	switch (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy)) {
+	case 205:
+		if (!Game_Flag_Query(616) || Global_Variable_Query(40) != 3) {
+			AI_Countdown_Timer_Reset(kActorLucy, 0);
+			AI_Countdown_Timer_Start(kActorLucy, 0, 30);
+			return; //false;
+		}
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 250);
+		return; //true;
+	case 210:
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 211);
+		break;
+	case 211:
+		Game_Flag_Set(593);
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 299);
+		break;
+	case 212:
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 213);
+		break;
+	case 213:
+		if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorLucy, 219) && Global_Variable_Query(40) != 3) {
+			Game_Flag_Set(593);
+		} else {
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 230);
+			Game_Flag_Reset(584);
+		}
+		break;
+	case 214:
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 215);
+		break;
+	case 215:
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 201);
+		break;
+	case 220:
+	case 225:
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 200);
+		break;
+	case 233:
+		Game_Flag_Set(585);
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 234);
+		break;
+	case 234:
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 235);
+		break;
+	case 236:
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 237);
+		break;
+	case 238:
+		Game_Flag_Set(593);
+		Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetFreeSlotA);
+		Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(kActorLucy, 33, 0);
+		Actor_Set_Health(kActorLucy, 30, 30);
+		if (Global_Variable_Query(40) == 3) {
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorSteele, 240);
+		}
+		break;
+	case 239:
+		Game_Flag_Set(593);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	return; //false;
+void AIScriptLucy::ReceivedClue(int clueId, int fromActorId) {
+	//return false;
+void AIScriptLucy::ClickedByPlayer() {
+	if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) == 599) {
+		Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorLucy, 1);
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 8630, 3);
+	}
+void AIScriptLucy::EnteredScene(int sceneId) {
+	// return false;
+void AIScriptLucy::OtherAgentEnteredThisScene(int otherActorId) {
+	// return false;
+void AIScriptLucy::OtherAgentExitedThisScene(int otherActorId) {
+	// return false;
+void AIScriptLucy::OtherAgentEnteredCombatMode(int otherActorId, int combatMode) {
+	// return false;
+void AIScriptLucy::ShotAtAndMissed() {
+	checkCombat();
+bool AIScriptLucy::ShotAtAndHit() {
+	checkCombat();
+	return false;
+void AIScriptLucy::Retired(int byActorId) {
+	if (byActorId == kActorMcCoy) {
+		Actor_Modify_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorClovis, kActorMcCoy, -6);
+	}
+	if ((byActorId == kActorSteele || byActorId == kActorMcCoy)
+			&& Actor_Query_In_Set(kActorSteele, kSetHF06)
+			&& Actor_Query_In_Set(kActorMcCoy, kSetHF06)) {
+		Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_On(kActorSteele, 3, 1, 0, 15, 4, 7, 8, 0, 0, 100, 25, 300, 0);
+	}
+	if (Query_Difficulty_Level() && byActorId == kActorMcCoy && Game_Flag_Query(46)) {
+		Global_Variable_Increment(2, 200);
+	}
+	Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 599);
+int AIScriptLucy::GetFriendlinessModifierIfGetsClue(int otherActorId, int clueId) {
+	return 0;
+bool AIScriptLucy::GoalChanged(int currentGoalNumber, int newGoalNumber) {
+	if (!newGoalNumber) {
+		Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetFreeSlotA);
+		return false;
+	}
+	switch (newGoalNumber) {
+	case 200:
+		if (Global_Variable_Query(40) == 3) {
+			if (Game_Flag_Query(591) && Game_Flag_Query(592) && Player_Query_Current_Scene() != 36) {
+				Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 205);
+			} else {
+				if (Random_Query(1, 2) - 1) {
+					Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 225);
+				} else {
+					Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 220);
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			int rnd = Random_Query(1, 4) - 1;
+			if (rnd) {
+				if (rnd == 1) {
+					Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 225);
+				} else if (Player_Query_Current_Scene() == 36) {
+					Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 220);
+				} else {
+					Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 205);
+				}
+			} else {
+				Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 220);
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case 205:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_With_Facing(kActorLucy, 371, 0, 156);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 210:
+		Actor_Set_Immunity_To_Obstacles(kActorLucy, 1);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 377, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 211:
+		Actor_Set_Immunity_To_Obstacles(kActorLucy, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 372, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 33, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 212:
+		Actor_Set_Immunity_To_Obstacles(kActorLucy, 1);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 378, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 213:
+		Actor_Set_Immunity_To_Obstacles(kActorLucy, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 373, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 33, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 214:
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 320, 16);
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorHolloway, 242);
+		Actor_Set_Immunity_To_Obstacles(6, 1);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 378, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 215:
+		Actor_Set_Immunity_To_Obstacles(kActorLucy, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 373, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 33, 30);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 220:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 39, Random_Query(5, 10));
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 33, Random_Query(5, 10));
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 39, Random_Query(5, 10));
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 225:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 39, Random_Query(5, 15));
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 33, Random_Query(10, 30));
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 40, Random_Query(15, 30));
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 42, Random_Query(10, 20));
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 230:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetHF04);
+		Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(kActorLucy, 518, 0);
+		Actor_Set_Targetable(kActorLucy, 1);
+		Actor_Set_Health(kActorLucy, 5, 5);
+		break;
+	case 232:
+		Player_Loses_Control();
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 1700, 16);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		Actor_Face_Actor(kActorLucy, 0, 1);
+		Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorLucy, 1);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 350, 13);
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 1705, 13);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 360, 13);
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 1710, 13);
+		if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableAffectionTowards) == 3) {
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 940, 13);
+			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6780, 12);
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 950, 12);
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 960, 14);
+			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6785, 13);
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 970, 16);
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 980, 13);
+			if (Game_Flag_Query(47)) {
+				Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 990, 15);
+			}
+			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6790, 13);
+			if (Game_Flag_Query(47) && Game_Flag_Query(46)) {
+				Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1000, 12);
+			}
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1010, 15);
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1020, 12);
+			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6795, 18);
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1030, 15);
+			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6800, 16);
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1040, 12);
+			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6805, 15);
+			Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1050, 12);
+		}
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 370, 14);
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 239);
+		if (Global_Variable_Query(40) == 3) {
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorSteele, 243);
+			Game_Flag_Set(593);
+		}
+		Player_Gains_Control();
+		break;
+	case 233:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 519, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		Actor_Set_Health(kActorLucy, 5, 5);
+		break;
+	case 234:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 520, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 236:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 521, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 238:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 522, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 239:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 523, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 33, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		Player_Gains_Control();
+		Actor_Set_Health(kActorLucy, 30, 30);
+		break;
+	case 240:
+		if (Global_Variable_Query(40) == 3) {
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 599);
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorSteele, 240);
+		} else {
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 299);
+			Game_Flag_Set(593);
+		}
+		break;
+	case 250:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 372, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_With_Facing(kActorLucy, 371, 0, 156);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 300:
+		Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetFreeSlotA);
+		Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(kActorLucy, 33, 0);
+		if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableAffectionTowards) == 3) {
+			Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 310);
+		}
+		break;
+	case 310:
+		Actor_Put_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetUG01);
+		Actor_Set_At_Waypoint(kActorLucy, 544, 651);
+		break;
+	case 311:
+		voightKempTest();
+		break;
+	case 312:
+		AI_Movement_Track_Flush(kActorLucy);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run(kActorLucy, 545, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Append(kActorLucy, 33, 0);
+		AI_Movement_Track_Repeat(kActorLucy);
+		break;
+	case 599:
+		Game_Flag_Set(593);
+		break;
+	}
+	return false;
+bool AIScriptLucy::UpdateAnimation(int *animation, int *frame) {
+	switch (_animationState) {
+	case 0:
+		*animation = 260;
+		_animationFrame++;
+		if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(260)) {
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 1:
+	case 2:
+	case 3:
+	case 4:
+		if (_animationState == 1) {
+			*animation = 253;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 2) {
+			*animation = 254;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 3) {
+			*animation = 255;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 4) {
+			*animation = 256;
+		}
+		_animationFrame++;
+		if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(*animation)) {
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 5:
+	case 6:
+		if (_animationState == 5) {
+			*animation = 257;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 6) {
+			*animation = 258;
+		}
+		_animationFrame++;
+		if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(*animation)) {
+			*animation = 260;
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+			_animationState = 0;
+			Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorLucy, 0);
+		}
+		break;
+	case 7:
+		*animation = 259;
+		if (_animationFrame < Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(259) - 1) {
+			++_animationFrame;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 8:
+		if (!_animationFrame && _flag) {
+			*animation = 260;
+			_animationState = 0;
+			_flag = 0;
+		} else {
+			*animation = 263;
+			_animationFrame++;
+			if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(263)) {
+				_animationFrame = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case 9:
+	case 10:
+	case 11:
+	case 12:
+	case 13:
+	case 14:
+	case 15:
+	case 16:
+		if (_animationState == 9) {
+			*animation = 264;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 10) {
+			*animation = 265;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 11) {
+			*animation = 266;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 12) {
+			*animation = 267;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 13) {
+			*animation = 268;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 14) {
+			*animation = 269;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 15) {
+			*animation = 270;
+		}
+		if (_animationState == 16) {
+			*animation = 271;
+		}
+		_animationFrame++;
+		if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(*animation)) {
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+			_animationState = 8;
+			*animation = 263;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 17:
+		*animation = 272;
+		_animationFrame++;
+		if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(272)) {
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 18:
+		if (!_animationFrame && _flag) {
+			_animationState = 17;
+			_flag = 0;
+			*animation = 272;
+		} else {
+			*animation = 273;
+			_animationFrame++;
+			if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(273)) {
+				_animationFrame = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case 19:
+		*animation = 274;
+		_animationFrame++;
+		if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(274)) {
+			*animation = 260;
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+			_animationState = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 20:
+		*animation = 275;
+		_animationFrame++;
+		if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(275)) {
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 21:
+		*animation = 276;
+		_animationFrame++;
+		if (_animationFrame >= Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames(276)) {
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	*frame = _animationFrame;
+	return true;
+bool AIScriptLucy::ChangeAnimationMode(int mode) {
+	switch (mode) {
+		case 0:
+	if (_animationState >= 8 && _animationState <= 16) {
+			_flag = 1;
+		} else {
+			_animationState = 0;
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		_animationState = 1;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		_animationState = 2;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		_flag = 0;
+		_animationState = 8;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		if (_animationState >= 8 && _animationState <= 16) {
+			_flag = 1;
+		} else {
+			_animationState = 0;
+			_animationFrame = 0;
+		}
+		break;
+	case 7:
+		_animationState = 1;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 8:
+		_animationState = 2;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 12:
+		_flag = 0;
+		_animationState = 9;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 13:
+		_flag = 0;
+		_animationState = 10;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 14:
+		_flag = 0;
+		_animationState = 11;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 15:
+		_flag = 0;
+		_animationState = 12;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 16:
+		_flag = 0;
+		_animationState = 13;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 17:
+		_flag = 0;
+		_animationState = 14;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 18:
+		_flag = 0;
+		_animationState = 15;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 19:
+		_flag = 0;
+		_animationState = 16;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 21:
+		if (Random_Query(1, 2) == 1) {
+			_animationState = 5;
+		} else {
+			_animationState = 6;
+		}
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 22:
+		if (Random_Query(1, 2) == 1) {
+			_animationState = 5;
+		} else {
+			_animationState = 6;
+		}
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	case 48:
+		_animationState = 7;
+		_animationFrame = 0;
+		break;
+	}
+	return true;
+void AIScriptLucy::QueryAnimationState(int *animationState, int *animationFrame, int *animationStateNext, int *animationNext) {
+	*animationState     = _animationState;
+	*animationFrame     = _animationFrame;
+	*animationStateNext = _animationStateNext;
+	*animationNext      = _animationNext;
+void AIScriptLucy::SetAnimationState(int animationState, int animationFrame, int animationStateNext, int animationNext) {
+	_animationState     = animationState;
+	_animationFrame     = animationFrame;
+	_animationStateNext = animationStateNext;
+	_animationNext      = animationNext;
+bool AIScriptLucy::ReachedMovementTrackWaypoint(int waypointId) {
+	return true;
+void AIScriptLucy::FledCombat() {
+	// return false;
+void AIScriptLucy::voightKempTest() {
+	Player_Loses_Control();
+	Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorLucy, 1);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6815, 11);
+	Actor_Face_Actor(kActorLucy, kActorMcCoy, 1);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1060, 16);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1070, 17);
+	Delay(1000);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1080, 14);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6820, 16);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1090, 13);
+	if (!Game_Flag_Query(378)) {
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6825, 13);
+	}
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6830, 12);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1100, 14);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6835, 14);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1110, 15);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6840, 13);
+	Delay(1000);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6845, 12);
+	Delay(500);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6850, 12);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1120, 14);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6855, 13);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6860, 13);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1130, 14);
+	Music_Stop(2);
+	Player_Gains_Control();
+	Voight_Kampff_Activate(6, 40);
+	Player_Loses_Control();
+	if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, 271)) {
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6865, 13);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1140, 14);
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6865, 14);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1150, 16);
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6870, 14);
+		Delay(500);
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6875, 13);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1160, 16);
+	} else {
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6880, 13);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1170, 13);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1180, 16);
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6890, 15);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1190, 15);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1200, 17);
+		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6885, 13);
+		Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1210, 17);
+	}
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6895, 15);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6900, 11);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1220, 16);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6905, 13);
+	Actor_Says(kActorLucy, 1230, 17);
+	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 6910, 13);
+	Delay(2000);
+	Player_Gains_Control();
+	Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 312);
+void AIScriptLucy::checkCombat() {
+	Game_Flag_Set(701);
+	if (Actor_Query_In_Set(kActorLucy, kSetHF01) == 1
+			&& Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 5
+			&& Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorLucy) != 450) {
+		if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableAffectionTowards) == 3) {
+			Global_Variable_Set(45, 0);
+		}
+		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorLucy, 450);
+		Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_On(kActorLucy, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 10, 300, 0);
+	}
+} // End of namespace BladeRunner
diff --git a/engines/bladerunner/script/ai_script.cpp b/engines/bladerunner/script/ai_script.cpp
index cd4e18b..e5eb779 100644
--- a/engines/bladerunner/script/ai_script.cpp
+++ b/engines/bladerunner/script/ai_script.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ AIScripts::AIScripts(BladeRunnerEngine *vm, int actorCount) {
 	_AIScripts[kActorGordo] = new AIScriptGordo(_vm);                     //  2
 	_AIScripts[kActorDektora] = new AIScriptDektora(_vm);                 //  3
 	_AIScripts[kActorGuzza] = new AIScriptGuzza(_vm);                     //  4
-	_AIScripts[kActorClovis] = new AIScriptClovis(_vm);                   //  4
+	_AIScripts[kActorClovis] = new AIScriptClovis(_vm);                   //  5
+	_AIScripts[kActorLucy] = new AIScriptLucy(_vm);                       //  6
 	_AIScripts[kActorCrazylegs] = new AIScriptCrazylegs(_vm);             //  9
 	_AIScripts[kActorGrigorian] = new AIScriptGrigorian(_vm);             // 11
 	_AIScripts[kActorTransient] = new AIScriptTransient(_vm);             // 12
diff --git a/engines/bladerunner/script/ai_script.h b/engines/bladerunner/script/ai_script.h
index eaf5e47..6a13ac3 100644
--- a/engines/bladerunner/script/ai_script.h
+++ b/engines/bladerunner/script/ai_script.h
@@ -171,6 +171,13 @@ DECLARE_SCRIPT(Clovis)
 	void someAnim();
+	bool _flag;
+	void voightKempTest();
+	void checkCombat();
 	bool _flag;

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