[Scummvm-git-logs] scummvm master -> 60044a74651f62e1d8b926f8d67e62930c82b365

bluegr bluegr at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 21:40:42 CEST 2019

This automated email contains information about 1 new commit which have been
pushed to the 'scummvm' repo located at https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm .

60044a7465 SCI: Fix CAMELOT Missing Hunter points

Commit: 60044a74651f62e1d8b926f8d67e62930c82b365
Author: sluicebox (22204938+sluicebox at users.noreply.github.com)
Date: 2019-07-24T22:40:39+03:00

Commit Message:
SCI: Fix CAMELOT Missing Hunter points

Fixes bug #11027

Changed paths:

diff --git a/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp b/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
index 401d7e3..501f8c3 100644
--- a/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
+++ b/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
@@ -575,6 +575,42 @@ static const uint16 camelotPatchRelicMerchantLockup2[] = {
+// The hunter in room 11 doesn't award soul points if you buy his furs with the
+//  "buy furs" command first and "pay" second. Two points are awarded if these
+//  commands are entered in the opposite order.
+// We fix this by adding the missing function call to award the soul points as
+//  Sierra did in later versions. Fortunately, the GiveMoney script contains
+//  redundant code that can be replaced as it is occurs later in the method.
+// Applies to: PC only
+// Responsible method: GiveMoney:changeState(3)
+// Fixes bug: #11027
+static const uint16 camelotSignatureHunterMissingPoints[] = {
+	0x30, SIG_UINT16(0x0020),           // bnt 0020 [ matches PC only ]
+	0x35, 0x00,                         // ldi 00
+	0xa3, 0x00,                         // sal 00 [ local0 = 0 ]
+	// unnecessary code which is repeated later in the method
+	0x89, 0xdd,                         // lsg dd
+	0x81, 0x84,                         // lag 84
+	0x02,                               // add
+	0xa1, 0xdd,                         // sag dd [ global221 += global132 ]
+	0x35, 0x00,                         // ldi 00
+	0xa1, 0x84,                         // sag 84 [ global132 = 0 ]
+static const uint16 camelotPatchHunterMissingPoints[] = {
+	0x38, PATCH_UINT16(0x0003),         // pushi 0003
+	0x38, PATCH_UINT16(0x00f5),         // pushi 00f5 [ point flag 245 ]
+	0x7a,                               // push2 [ soul points ]
+	0x7a,                               // push2 [ +2 points ]
+	0x45, 0x0a, 0x06,                   // callb proc0_10 06 [ +2 soul points ]
 // When giving away the mule in room 56, the merchant's first long message is
 //  immediately replaced by the next. mo:handleEvent displays the first and
 //  starts the script getMule, which proceeds to display its own messages
@@ -634,6 +670,7 @@ static const uint16 camelotPatchGiveMuleMessage[] = {
 //         script, description,                                       signature                             patch
 static const SciScriptPatcherEntry camelotSignatures[] = {
+	{ true,    11, "fix hunter missing points",                    1, camelotSignatureHunterMissingPoints,  camelotPatchHunterMissingPoints },
 	{ true,    62, "fix peepingTom Sierra bug",                    1, camelotSignaturePeepingTom,           camelotPatchPeepingTom },
 	{ true,   158, "fix give mule message",                        1, camelotSignatureGiveMuleMessage,      camelotPatchGiveMuleMessage },
 	{ true,   169, "fix relic merchant lockup (1/2)",              1, camelotSignatureRelicMerchantLockup1, camelotPatchRelicMerchantLockup1 },

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